Crafts from beads to Easter

The closer the celebration of Easter, the more people begin to prepare for it. This is the greatest holiday for Christians around the world. And those who do not particularly believe in God, too, do not remain aloof - this tradition has been for many centuries. Very original look handicrafts, prepared for Easter with their own hands of beads.

Preparation of the basis of crafts

To make crafts from beads to Easter even for beginners is not so difficult. Most often as a decorated object, a chicken egg is chosen, because it is the symbol of this bright holiday. For eating, eggs are stained with onion husks, food colors, but for needlework decorations it is advisable not to use such eggs, because they are not stored for long.

It is best to remove protein and yolk from a fresh egg, or even use its imitation of foam or wood, so that the craft can please the eye for a long time. When the base was identified, you can search for a scheme, which will be used to weave the pattern. Beginners should not make crafts for Easter beads too complex, decorating their eggs. It is better to start with simple products.

For decoration

Based on the selected schemes, crafts for Easter from beads can be strikingly different. Some craftsmen make real faces of saints or images of animals and birds. To work will require several colors of beads, it can be the most ordinary or pearly. The size of the beads is not so important, but the work done from the same components with single inclusions of different calibrated looks neater.

In addition to the beads, you will need a thin fishing line, a needle for beads and a weaving scheme. Sometimes, as a supplement, images of saints, cut from a shrink film, or the inscription "Christ is Risen (HB)" are used. Then the bead is made with a bead-edging around them.

In order for the egg to stand smoothly, it will be necessary to make for him a small landing pad, which can be a plastic lid from the bottle, also braided with beads. Having learned how to master this technique skillfully, on the eve of the holiday it is possible to arrange a kind of master-class for making household articles made of beads for Easter for the household.