Jumping on the rope is good

Everyone knows that jumping rope is useful. And nevertheless, in the main, very few people really represent the entire volume of those positive properties that jump jumping rope gives. Let us analyze at least the most basic useful qualities /

What are the benefits of jumping rope?

  1. Skipping rope against cellulite. If your hips and buttocks "decorate" the orange peel, it is jumping rope that will help you in the shortest time to correct this imperfection. Such rapid, rhythmic movements improve blood circulation and metabolism, why exercises help better any anti-cellulite cream.
  2. Jumping rope: the results are excellent! Just 15 minutes a day (or better - two times 15 minutes per day) give excellent results. Not only will you spend a lot of calories, so you also activate the process of consumption of fatty deposits that were accumulated earlier. Best of all, this leaves fat on the abdomen and hips. However, the buttocks and hands also get a good effect. But the shape of your feet will be just amazing!
  3. Is it useful to jump on a rope for training endurance? And how! It is jumping rope that can not only save you from sniffing when you walk up to the high floor, but also generally strengthen your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. You will notice that it is easier to overcome any distances after 3-5 weeks of regular training.
  4. Skipping rope against calories. The more useful jumping rope, so it's surprisingly fast burning calories. In 15 minutes you burn about 180-190 calories, and this is much more than even when jogging! Thus, in the case of losing weight, the rope is incredibly effective.
  5. What is the use of rope for women with the type of figure "pear"? Most necessary: effective fat burning on the legs and buttocks, and thus the beautiful development of beautiful muscles on slimy legs.
  6. How useful rope professional sportsmen - football players, basketball players, boxers? In their training exercises with a rope are always included. The fact is that the rope develops the jumping and coordination of movements, which are important not only in team sports, but also in ordinary life.

When you know what a rope gives, you have much more motivation to work with it. After all, it's such a cheap, simple and affordable simulator, which also does not take up much space! The benefits of jumping rope is multifaceted, which means that you can not only work on weight, but also on your health in general.