What kind of fruit can be used for pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which is caused by a metabolic disorder. Affect the development of this disease can often use alcoholic beverages, fatty and spicy food in the diet and a sedentary lifestyle . Sometimes pancreatitis is a consequence of an infectious disease. The best treatment for this disease is a special diet.

Diet for pancreatitis

For the patient, a specially developed diet is necessary for him, where it will be indicated which products, and in what quantities are allowed to use, and which are strictly prohibited. It should clearly state what fruits and vegetables are available for pancreatitis and which are not.

When inflammation of the pancreas must eat often and in small portions. Basically recommend adhere to a five-time meal. It is forbidden to overeat, get up from the table with a little hunger. It is important to introduce restrictions in the use of carbohydrate food, and if possible, completely abandon it. The amount of fat per day should not be more than 60 grams, and pork and sheep fat and are completely prohibited. The taste of food should be neutral. Then there is no provocation in the pancreas of enzyme production, which causes severe pain and lead to complications.

What fruits are eaten in pancreatitis?

Quite a common question among people suffering from pancreatitis is the question about the allowed fruits in pancreatitis, and whether it is possible to generally introduce fruits into the diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation).

Fruits are a valuable source of vitamins and various nutrients. Therefore, they simply need to be included in the diet of patients with pancreatitis. But to fruits were useful in pancreatitis, they must undergo heat treatment. They can be boiled for a couple or bake in the oven. So you can bake apples with cinnamon, bananas and pears. These dishes can replace not only fruits and desserts, but also various sweets that are contraindicated in pancreatitis.

The diet does not prohibit the use of dried fruits and compotes of them. From fresh berries you can make jelly, fruit drinks and compotes. Juices need to be chosen not sour, but they can be included in the diet only after consulting with a doctor. After the permission of the expert it is possible to enter in a ration and fresh fruit in modest quantities without a peel.