Why can not eat many eggs?

Eggs are one of the most popular products all over the world. The most widely distributed chicken eggs are the most affordable. However, in the food you can use eggs of all kinds of birds, and even eggs of some reptiles (for example, turtles).

Is it harmful to eat a lot of eggs?

Eggs are a good source of protein, which is digested much more easily than meat, in addition, they contain almost all the necessary vitamins (except - vitamin C), and many necessary to the human body minerals. It would seem that, based on such remarkable properties, the question of why it is impossible to eat many eggs should not arise at all. Despite this, disputes among doctors about whether it is harmful to eat a lot of eggs continue for a hundred years now. One of the main arguments of opponents of consumption of this product is high cholesterol content in eggs. Indeed, the cholesterol content in one egg is 2/3 of the daily intake rate. But, at the same time, it contains lecithin, which helps to remove the so-called "bad" cholesterol from the body, and is also necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart and liver. In addition, there are still not enough convincing studies proving that eating foods containing large amounts of cholesterol can significantly increase its content in the blood. Rather, there is a combination of various factors, one of which is probably the genetic characteristics of individuals.

If you still decided to reduce the amount of cholesterol consumed with eggs, then it is enough to restrict the consumption of egg yolks, because this insidious substance is contained in it.

Harm of chicken eggs

The following argument in favor of the harm of eggs, especially chicken, is a frequent allergic reaction to this product. This is especially true for young children. In this case, you can give several recommendations:

  1. If there is an allergy to chicken eggs, you can try to replace them with eggs of other bird species (quail, turkey).
  2. You can first completely eliminate this product from use, and then begin to enter the diet gradually and in small portions.
  3. Buy eggs from another manufacturer. Perhaps the allergic reaction is not caused by the egg itself, but by additives to the stern of birds. Alternatively, so-called "organic" eggs, i. E. eggs of chickens grown in natural conditions.
  4. The third, and perhaps the most basic reason why it is harmful to eat many eggs, is an increased risk of infection with salmonella.

Salmonellosis - an acute intestinal infection caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella, is especially dangerous for young children. To avoid getting infected with this unpleasant infection, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Special harm can cause raw (chicken and not only) eggs from untested suppliers. Therefore, it is better to heat them for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Thoroughly wash eggs with vinegar, before cooking. Also do not forget to wash your hands after this.
  3. If there is damage to the shell, then do not use such an egg for food.

And lastly, there are diseases in which the use of eggs is really contraindicated: