Cultivation of basil

Basil is a useful plant and an indispensable spice. This spicy culture is used in different countries, so it is useful for everyone to know how to grow a basil at home. This plant has a strong and pleasant fragrant smell. The leaves of the basil are rich in essential oils. Basil is a valuable source of routine and carotene. To use this useful plant all year round, it is recommended to grow it at home.

Features of culture

The common basil is a one-year plant with a strongly branched tetrahedral stem 30-50 cm high. The leaves of the basil are petiolate, elongate-oval in shape with a serrated margin, various in color: green, violet and green-violet. The flowers are white, pink or purple, the fruits are small black or matte-brown. The basil is thermophilic, the slightest frost is fatal for it. The plant feels great on fertile light soils that are well warmed by the sun.

In addition to cooking, basil is used in natural home cosmetics. The plant not only grows in gardens and in greenhouses, it is also possible to grow basil at home - in a box on a balcony, in pots, on a sunny window sill.

Cultivation of basil in a country plot will not cause much trouble. The main thing is to choose the right soil, grow seedlings, and provide the plant with proper care. It is not necessary to plant the seedlings in the open ground if the frosts have passed. It's better to wait a little while planting, but sprouting is also unacceptable.

How to grow a basil on a windowsill?

The soil is best prepared from the summer, disinfecting it thoroughly (roasting in the oven for 40-60 minutes). In addition, you can purchase soil in a specialized store.

To accelerate the germination of seeds, they should be put for a couple of days in a damp cloth. Dry or soaked seeds are planted in soil, located in a suitable container, for example, in a box of cardboard or wood. The soil should be at room temperature. When sprouting emerges, it is necessary to ensure maximum green light. Pour basil should be as necessary, but not too abundant. Thinning is not necessary.

The main condition for the successful cultivation of basil is a lot of sunlight, heat, regular watering and excellent soil water permeability. The basil growing in the container needs fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer perfectly stimulates the growth of green mass. In winter, the basil needs additional lighting. Quality spices can be obtained only with sufficient light. The light day for the plant should be at least 16 hours.

So, having spent very little time and places to grow basil on the windowsill, you can indulge your loved ones with useful spicy greens even in winter.

How to grow a basil in a greenhouse?

At the first stage, seedlings of basil are grown. Seeds are sown in a greenhouse, sprouts, if necessary, are thinned out. In the greenhouse, basil requires moderate watering. Greenhouses should be regularly ventilated, otherwise with increased soil moisture and high temperatures shoots out. Growing basil in a greenhouse is a fairly responsible process.

In the open ground spicy culture is planted most often in May-June, when the soil is already well warmed and the threat of frosts has passed. The plant should be located from each other at a distance of 25-30 cm. Care of the crop consists in loosening and weeding of weeds. The stems of the basil, 10-15 cm long, are cut to flowering and bundled, and dried if necessary. During the growing season, the cuttings are carried out 2-3 times.