How to get rid of woodlice in a private house?

Small insects, lice , related to crustaceans, do not pose any danger to humans: they do not bite, do not tolerate any infections, do not pollute water and food. However, their presence in our house is absolutely undesirable. Therefore, all the owners, after seeing in their private house a lobster, immediately begin to think about how to get rid of them.

How to deal with mokritsami?

Most often in a private house the lice appear in moist warm and dark places. It can be a bathroom, a cellar, various communications. And if you have lice in your house, then you should eliminate the cause of high humidity in the premises of the house. All rooms must be regularly ventilated. It is necessary to cover all the cracks in the house, eliminate pipe leaks and carefully remove all hard-to-reach places. And then the lice will disappear by themselves.

However, if this does not happen, and unpleasant insects continue to appear in your house, other methods of dealing with them can be used. As practice shows, you can get rid of house slops with the help of table salt, which must be scattered across all dark corners or spray a saturated saline solution. You can spray a solution of boric acid with a solution of boric acid, or use a mixture of tobacco powder, red hot pepper and soda ash, mixed in water. Efficient traps in fighting moths are traps on them. It is possible to arrange in the places of their accumulation for the night wet birch brooms. In the morning hiding between the leaves of the lawn shake and destroy. Such traps should be laid out for several days in a row.

If folk methods do not help in the fight against mochritsami, then you can use industrial insecticides Mole, Tetris, Grotto and others. They must be applied as described in the instructions of each preparation.