Mucus in the throat

The accumulation of mucus (phlegm) in the throat is a common problem. Sometimes she clears her throat, sometimes she can feel a lump in her throat, which can not swallow or cough normally. This condition, of course, creates discomfort, causes a desire to understand why slime accumulates in the throat and cure this phenomenon.

Causes of congestion of mucus in the throat

The reasons that can cause this phenomenon, a lot. First of all, this is a variety of diseases of the ENT organs of a viral, bacterial, fungal or allergic nature, especially when:

With these diseases, mucus accumulates in the throat.

Another very common cause of increased sputum formation is bronchial asthma. In this case, increased secretion of mucus is a protective reaction of the body and promotes the elimination of allergens.

Accumulation of sputum in the throat can also cause external factors that provoke irritation of the mucosa, such as smoking, drinking alcohol or foods that are allergic to the reaction.

In addition, this phenomenon can be provoked by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. In particular:

The most common congestion of mucus in the throat is accompanied by:

Mucus in the throat - treatment

Since the accumulation of mucus in the throat is not a separate disease, but a symptom of other diseases, then the treatment of this problem directly depends on the cause that caused it:

  1. With sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, therapy consists of rinsing the throat, taking antibacterial drugs, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, with diseases associated with the respiratory organs, mucolytics are often prescribed - drugs that help liquefy phlegm and facilitate its excretion from the body. In the case of sinusitis, vasoconstrictive drops (naphthysine, galazoline) are included in the course of treatment.
  2. In allergic reactions, treatment is usually limited to taking antihistamines. Together with the symptoms of allergies, the excessive release of mucus usually stops.
  3. If the mucus accumulation in the throat is caused by anatomical defects, the surgical treatment of the problem is often resorted to. Remove the polyps, restore the nasal septum.

Regardless of the reason for the accumulation of mucus in the throat, corticosteroids are considered to be effective in combating the problem, which are applied as a spray or drops. But the effect of these drugs is unstable, and after the cessation of their use, the intensified separation of sputum is resumed. Therefore, corticosteroids are permissible for blocking the symptom, but do not abolish the treatment of the underlying disease that provoked the appearance of mucus.

Esophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal or gastroesophageal reflux is a phenomenon of throwing stomach contents into the esophagus. It is a fairly aggressive environment that irritates the mucous and, naturally, causes increased sputum production. This phenomenon is often accompanied by heartburn, eructation, a smell from the mouth, for which it is easy to determine that the congestion of mucus in the throat is caused by throwing in the esophagus masses from the stomach, and not colds or other diseases. To reduce sputum production, it is recommended not to eat 3 hours before bedtime, eat foods rich in vitamins, reduce the amount of fatty and sharp foods in the diet, and refuse carbonated drinks. Of the drugs in this case, take Almagel, Maalox or other antacid preparations.