How to bake a mannik on kefir in the oven?

Sometimes you ask yourself in the morning the question, what would be delicious to cook for the family for breakfast or lunch? And yet so that it is profitable, that is, inexpensive.

For example, from semolina you can cook not only semolina porridge (which definitely not everyone likes), but also some other interesting dishes.

For example, you can bake a simple and tasty dessert in the oven - a mannik on kefir, tell you how to do it.

In addition to semolina, we will need some other products: eggs, kefir, as well as some flavoring and auxiliary additives.

Recipe of a mannika with raisins on yogurt in the oven



To make mannik it makes sense to involve children from 4 years old, especially those who eat manna porridge with reluctance (and there are enough of them). It is possible to demonstrate to the child that a non-trivial delicacy is prepared instead of unloved by him.

Fill raisins with boiling water, when it is broken up, we drain the water.

Semolina (or a ready-made thick semolina porridge) is poured with kefir and mixed.

Whip the powdered sugar with eggs until a firm foam.

We combine all this in one bowl, pour in lemon juice, brandy and adjust the density of the mixture with starch. The composition of the initial mass can also include cottage cheese and sour cream (2-3 tablespoons) - so we are very profitable to utilize the remains of dairy products.

Preparation of mannika on kefir in the oven

The oven should be preheated beforehand. Fill the prepared mass to 3/4 of the depth with a greased form (it should not be too high). Bake the mannik in the oven for about 40 minutes.

The finished manicum after extraction from the mold will be well sprinkled with grated ready-made chocolate or sprinkled with syrup from cherry or other sweet-sour fruit jam.

Well, in a hurry of inexpensive products, we got a baked confectionery product like a cake or a cake. Of course, mannik is somewhat heavier than baking from wheat flour, but it is much more useful, because the larger the grinding of grain, the longer it is digested (contains more fiber).

Finished slightly cooled mannik segmented into portions and served with fresh tea, cocoa, compote or karkade.