Why not eat pork?

It's no secret that a number of world religions absolutely do not recognize pork as food. As it turned out, for this there are quite reasonable justifications, which are discovered by modern scientists. From this article you will learn why you can not eat pork.

What is harmful pork?

  1. Pork contains a strong allergen. Its presence in the foods you eat increases the risk of developing inflammation, stomach ulcers, appendicitis, asthma, thrombophlebitis, heart attack, abscesses and a variety of skin diseases. People who have had a heart attack are prescribed a diet that completely excludes pig meat.
  2. Pork is a harmful meat, if only because it contains a large amount of fat, which is incredibly difficult to digest by the body. Due to the regular use of heavy food, liver and gastrointestinal diseases develop and lead to obesity .
  3. Pork is a source of "harmful" cholesterol and lipids. It is known that this kind of cholesterol is a potential material for the erection of a malignant tumor in the body. In addition, these components quickly lead to obesity, if included in the diet regularly. Knowing the harmful pork, do not forget that semi-finished products, sausages and sausages, as a rule, include this kind of meat.
  4. Pork is an excellent medium for the multiplication of bacteria and parasites, so poisoning with such meat, bought in an unreliable store, is quite simple. In addition, the result of its use is often the emergence of helminths, which settle in the intestine. Surprisingly, heat treatment is powerless against them, and to get infected, it is not necessary to eat raw meat.
  5. Scientists have determined that people who eat pork are more prone to stress and are prone to depression. The reason for this - the oppressed state of the body due to heavy food. Is it harmful to eat pork to those who are not prone to depression ? The answer is also positive, because because of slagging the body, serious changes are possible.

Knowing why pork is harmful, you can easily make your choice whether you should include it in your diet or not.