What foods contain hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid or hyaluronate is an integral component of the nervous, epithelial and connective tissues. It is present in saliva, synovial fluid, etc. It is this substance that provides the viscosity of the biological lubricant and is responsible for the elasticity of cartilage, skin, etc. Which products contain hyaluronic acid will be described in this article.

Role for the body

The ability of this substance to attract a molecule of water a thousand times more than its own weight made it the most powerful cell moisturizer. Hyaluronate improves their function, increases elasticity and prolongs health. Its presence in the most important organs of the human body - joints, eyes, skin, heart valves gives us the basis to use it in the treatment of arthritis , cataracts, cosmetic surgery and cosmetology for the production of creams, make-up, lotions, etc. Knowing where hyaluronic acid is contained, you can provide your body with the necessary amount and prolong your youth and beauty, reduce the risk of developing a variety of diseases.

List of products containing hyaluronic acid:

The main supplier of hyaluronate is food of animal origin. Meat, rich broth and cold is ideal for those who dream of healthy skin, bones and cartilage. Those who for various reasons do not use such food, it is worth paying attention to soybeans. They are rich in phytoestrogens, which are responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid. Great benefit can be brought tofu and soy milk, as well as one or two glasses a day of rich red wine, but only natural, obtained by processing grapes with grapes and bones. If you do not drink wine, you can eat grapes.

The champion-catalyst for the production of this substance is agrimony. Its extract can be added to tea and daily eaten. Now it is clear where hyaluronic acid is contained and in which products. However, for its preservation, it is very important to eat properly, because the body itself makes a decision about the expediency of its expenditure, and for the maintenance of this substance is responsible for routine and vitamin C. Their deficiency is often associated with an unbalanced diet and diets.