Skimmed milk

Milk is one of the most important foods in the diet of most of the world's population. It refers to multicomponent food products in terms of their chemical composition. The results of scientific research show that in milk there are more than 50 biologically active compounds that bring tangible benefits to the human body. Milk is enriched with such micro- and macro elements as phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, calcium and various salts of natural origin.

In addition, zinc, selenium, iodine, lactic acids and other useful substances are present in this product in a considerable amount. There are a lot of milk varieties, and each of them differs by several basic parameters that affect its consumer and taste characteristics. Affects them and the way the product is manufactured. The most common and most commonly consumed in food is cow's milk. More and more popular is a product such as skimmed milk. This is due to the massive enthusiasm for healthy eating. The term "skimmed milk" is understood to mean a product containing a small amount of milk fat in its composition.

Composition of skim milk

Disputes over the benefits and harm to the body of skim milk do not cease until now. The opinions of the scientists were divided into two parts. Some confirm the benefits of this product, explaining its presence in the composition of skim milk a number of useful biologically active compounds and vitamins. Thanks to the record low calorie content of skim milk, it can safely be included in the diet menu. On average, 100.8 kilograms of product accounts for 30.8 kilocalories.

But, as they say "not everything is gold that glitters." Many scientists question the use of low-fat milk, especially considering the technology of its production. During the processing of the original raw materials in the chemical composition of skim milk there is no valuable milk fat. It is rich in vitamins of group A and D, it helps the body to absorb calcium and proteins. Proceeding from this, the scientists came to the conclusion that with the regular consumption of skim milk in food, a deficiency of vitamins may appear.

Low-fat dairy products

If you follow a diet, then the use of fermented milk products will be appropriate. They are distinguished by their low caloric content, they improve digestion and are rich in useful substances. Choosing in this case between kefir with a fat content of 1% and kefir with a fat content of 2.5%, you, of course, prefer the first option. Logically, when dieting is better to use kefir with a minimum percentage of fat. The only problem is that the amount of calories in such a yogurt is not really that much different from that in which the fat content is greater. Low-fat dairy products are less useful for health, because they are worse absorbed by the body because of the lack of milk fat in them. Moreover, they are inferior and in taste.

This applies not only to yogurt, but also cottage cheese. By the number of calories low-fat curd and cottage cheese with a percentage Greater fat content almost do not differ. This is due to the fact that defatted cottage cheese is less delicious, and in order to improve the taste, various additives are added to it, which increase the calorie content.

Important is the fact that using skimmed dairy products, you deprive the body of the carbohydrates, fats and proteins necessary for it to work.

The fact that natural products, the fat content of which is lowered, are of benefit to health, is undeniable. But to go to extremes when using them is not worth it. Despite the low calorie content of skim milk, your body can suffer from various chemical additives.