How to make a doll out of thread?

Since ancient times, dolls had an important purpose, not only playful, but also symbolic, fulfilling a certain role in the rituals. Our ancestors created dolls by their own hands - amulets of various magical effects from threads, straw, wool, cloth, grass roots, and tree branches.

Today, the doll is one of the most popular children's toys, which every girl dreams of from an early age. The doll can be swaddled, rocked, taken care of, carried in a stroller, sewed her clothes, dressed up. Playing role-playing games, children imitate the adult world, which develops in them a sense of responsibility, preparing for an adult life. The modern store sells a huge variety of toys, but the dolls of good quality have a fairly high cost.

In this article we will tell you how you can make a doll of threads with your own hands. Thus, you can not only pamper the child with a new toy, but also have fun together while making crafts from threads .

Doll of Threads: Master Class

For work we need: dark and light woolen threads, a small book, scissors and cardboard. Let's proceed:

  1. By the length of the book we wind light threads and cut them from one side. Do the same with dark threads, but cut them from two sides.
  2. Light threads are folded in two and around them evenly distribute the dark. Then we bind all this tightly with a separate dark thread closer to the upper edge.
  3. We separate the dark and light threads. We got a body and hair dolls out of thread.
  4. Now it is necessary to designate the head. With a dark thread, we bandage the body of the doll, forming a rounded shape, as shown in the photo.
  5. We begin to weave hands for a doll of threads. To do this, we rewind the dark thread on a book of the same size, cut it from both sides and braid the pigtail.
  6. We insert the "hands" between the threads of the "trunk", directly under the head of the doll, and tightly bandaged. Now we have got hair, head, chest and skirt.
  7. From the cardboard we make a cone and spread its tip with glue. Sadim doll on the cone, neatly distributing the skirt in a circle.
  8. Our doll of threads is almost ready. It remains to make a hairstyle, a face and decorate the skirt to your taste!

Such a doll can become an excellent decorative decoration in a children's room or simply a new toy for a child. The making of dolls-thread-making from thread will take you literally half an hour, and you and your children will bring joy to you for a long time!