The newborn's eyes will be sour

If you notice that your baby's eyes turn brown in the morning or after a day's sleep, this article is for you. We will tell in detail why the child's eyes are sour, and what to do in such cases, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Why does the child's eyes turn sour?

Most often, the cause of sour eyes is conjunctivitis - inflammation of the conjunctiva (outer shell of the eye). Among other reasons, there may be obstruction of the tear duct, something that disrupts the outflow of tear fluid.

We will discuss each of the causes separately. Conjunctivitis can be triggered by the following factors:

1. Bacteria (streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus, epidermidis, hemophilus).

Infection can get into the eyes after the baby rubs them with dirty hands, as well as when a foreign body enters the eye. In the case of bacterial infection, in addition to the fact that the child will strongly sour eyes, lacrimation, redness will be observed, as well as it will be difficult for him to open his eyes after sleeping. Allocations in this case have a characteristic yellow color. This indicates that the process is purulent.

2. Viruses (viruses that provoke ARVI, as well as herpes simplex).

Viral conjunctivitis usually accompanies ARVI. The child is unpleasant to look at the light, it brings him discomfort, eyes turn red, itch, there are transparent discharge from the eyes.

3. Allergy (on pollen, cigarette smoke, shampoo).

With allergic conjunctivitis, dominant symptoms are itching and redness. Eyes become sour less.

In 5% of cases, eye sore in children is a consequence of impassability of the tear duct (dacryocystitis). Against this background, bacteria can accumulate in the lacrimal sac, thereby provoking eye sore and other symptoms - swelling of the eyelids, soreness around the eyes. Usually these manifestations are one-sided. Requires consultation of an ophthalmologist.

What to do if the eyes are sour?

If a newborn's eyes are sour, it is most rational to consult a pediatrician, since in the first 28 days of life the baby has very weak immunity, and to avoid complications, the treatment should be prescribed only by the doctor.

If the older child's eyes turn sour, you need to take the following measures: