Carrot juice for babies

Carrot is considered a universal vegetable: it is both sweet and very useful, so children like it, even those that do not eat other vegetables. Carrots contain a large number of different useful substances: vitamins of different groups, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, phosphorus, carotene, apigetin, magnesium, cobalt, iron, etc. Even for infants, for normal growth, development and resistance to infections, it is necessary to consume this vegetable, but to read it you can enter only in the form of juice. There are several opinions when it is possible to start giving carrot juice to a baby.

With this article, we will consider why, how and when to give carrot juice to infants.

What is the use of carrot juice for young children?

For babies in carrot juice, not its pleasant taste is important, but the high content of vitamin A (carotene), the so-called vitamin growth, on which the rate of growth, skin and mucous membranes, vision depends.

If the carrot juice is consumed excessively, the child may become yellow, but this will not affect his overall well-being. In this case, it is necessary to stop giving it for a while.

Also, it is recommended to use fresh carrot juice from thrush, lubricating the baby with the oral cavity and for quickly adjusting the stool for constipation.

When can I give carrot juice to a baby?

Previously, doctors suggested starting to give carrots and apple juices from the age of three weeks. And modern medicine, aimed at natural feeding, recommends giving carrots to carrot juice only from 6 months and then, after the introduction of other less colored vegetables.

How to cook carrot juice for babies?

To prepare carrot juice for very young children is not recommended to use a juicer, but you need to do the following:

So it turns out pure (without flesh) carrot juice.

In winter, to increase immunity in children, it is recommended to add carrots for the preparation of any juices.