Child development in 11 months

The eleventh month of the life of your crumb is the vestibule of his first birthday, which will be a transition from infancy to early childhood. At this age the kid already knows a lot, understands even more and enjoys learning everything new.

At 11 months, the child's mental and physical development is characterized by gradual changes. For example, the weight of a child in 11 months increases by an average of 400 grams. and can range from 9500 to 10200 gr. The growth rate is significantly reduced compared to the previous months, increasing by only 1-1.5 cm.

What can a child 11 months?

Child's regime in 11 months

At the age of about a year, the child can change the regime of the day cardinally. Most children become more active, no longer fall asleep on the street and in transport and switch to one day's sleep. It is quite difficult to master the new regime, but usually within a few days the child is completely accustomed to such a way of life. Approximate mode of the baby's day is as follows:

Such a regime of the day will help the child subsequently without difficulty to wake up in the garden and school, and help her to better organize her time.

Diet of the child in 11 months

At the age of 11 months, children usually have already 8 milk teeth, which will bring the baby's menu closer to an adult. Parents still need to remember that the products for the baby should be the most useful, and the diet is balanced. In the menu, you should add solid products that contribute to the development of the jaw apparatus. Pureeiforms can be replaced with finely chopped dishes. The child should be given the products in boiled form or steamed. The diet should include fish, meat, vegetables (raw and boiled), fruits, cereals, flour, dairy products. Do not give the baby dishes from an adult diet even on holidays, his body is not yet ready to digest also fried foods, marinades and pickles, smoked foods, seasonings, chocolate and other sweets. The diet for a child of 11 months should be five-time, and the menu can be diversified, for example, with the help of children's recipes. As meat dishes, you can prepare a steamed cutlet, meat souffle, meatballs. For a garnish, mashed potatoes from vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin. At the age of about a year, you can start cooking for your baby vegetable salads dressed with vegetable oil and fruit salads with yoghurt. For dessert, you can offer the child a kissel, cookies with compote, cottage cheese.

Classes with a child of 11 months

The last 2 months of the first year belong to the most peaceful period, and the child at 11 months improves previously acquired skills. It is during this period that parents can pay special attention to games and communication with the baby.

  1. Subject games with the child. You can not only perform simple actions with toys (feed, put to sleep), but also offer the child to choose your proposed plot of the game: "What does the doll now, sleep or eat?". Complicate the game with the addition of an emotional context, for example, the doll prepared to eat, eat, went on a visit.
  2. Games with pictures. Showing different pictures, you can accompany them with stories or combine with showing the same toy. This will help to learn the skills of generalization, contributes to the accumulation of vocabulary, the development of speech.
  3. Games with children. At the age of 11 months the child is already beginning to be interested in games with other children. Although at this age they still do not know how to play together, they will be happy to watch the older kids and make attempts to join the game. At this age, try to comment on the baby each step of another child, help him cope with more difficult tasks during the game.