Vaccination against hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a viral disease that is dangerous for its complications. To reduce the risk of contracting this disease, vaccination is provided against it. It will help to avoid infection, even if a person is in direct contact with an infected person.

Scheme, features of the vaccination against hepatitis B

Now doctors use different kinds of vaccines. They are of domestic or foreign production, for example, such:

To carry out the vaccination, the scheme 0-1-6 is usually used. It is standard. After the doctor enters the first dose, wait a month and make a second injection. After it, complete the course in six months. The first vaccine against hepatitis B is usually administered to newborns in the hospital.

For a number of other situations, for example, when a person is at risk of contracting hepatitis B, use scheme 0-1-2-12. Enter the first dose, and after it after 1 and 2 months, do 1 more injection. They complete the course one year after the first vaccination.

Sometimes doctors can recommend other vaccination schemes.

Inoculation against hepatitis B in adults can be done at any chosen time according to the standard scheme.

The vaccine has its own peculiarities of administration. The injection can not be done subcutaneously. Only intramuscular injection is allowed, because only in this way is the formation of immunity possible. Children under 3 years of age are injected into the hip, adults in the shoulder. It is not recommended to inject the medication into the buttock, because due to the deep lying of the muscle, it is quite difficult to get it.

A number of studies show that immunity against the disease can persist for 22 years. However, this period is usually limited to about 8 years. And for some people, the vaccination course provides general life-long immunity. Before the second course, you need to take a blood test for the detection of antibodies. With sufficient number of vaccines can be postponed.

Adverse reactions after vaccination against hepatitis B

It is believed that this vaccination is easily tolerated, does not cause neurological problems, but there is still a risk of certain complications. Most often, it causes a reaction directly at the injection site. It can be redness, discomfort, denseness.

Other reactions that affect the general condition may occur a short time after vaccination. For a few days everything is normal. Such reactions include:

Complications may include urticaria, anaphylactic shock, and an increase in the allergic reaction to yeast dough. But it is important to remember that such cases are very rare.

Contraindications to vaccination against hepatitis B

The drug should not be administered to people who are allergic to yeast. It is expressed in the reaction of the body to bakery products, as well as beverages such as kvass or beer. Also, the doctor may not allow the administration of the next dose, if after the previous injection there were complications. Vaccination is not performed during illness. It is necessary to wait for full recovery. The doctor should choose the optimal time for the injection, taking into account the results of the examinations.

The negative consequences of vaccination against hepatitis B are rare, even the period of breastfeeding is not considered a contraindication to vaccination. In extreme cases, injection is allowed to pregnant women.