Inguinal hernia in children

Hernia is the protrusion of internal tissues or organs outward and can form in different places. It consists of the following elements:

Inguinal hernia in children is a protrusion in the inguinal region. Inside the hernial sac may be part of the intestine or omentum, in girls - the ovary.

Pediatric inguinal hernia is a common disease, it happens in 5% of children. And unlike the umbilical, can have serious complications. Medical statistics show that in boys inguinal hernias occur in 3-10 times more often than in girls. In men, the hernia can grip the scrotum, then it is called the inguinal and scrotal hernia. In children, it occurs quite often.

How does inguinal hernia manifest?

Inguinal hernia can form in the womb of the mother, and not always at the birth of a child can be discerned. That is why it is so important in the first months after birth to show the baby to the surgeon.

Over time, the hernia may increase in size. As a rule, it is clearly visible when the child cries and with physical exertion. In a calm state, it can hide inside. In most cases, inguinal hernia does not give the child any anxiety. It has a slightly pinkish color, soft to the touch. When pressed easily leaves inside. In children inguinal hernia has a rounded shape, inguinal and scrotal hernia, usually oval.

What is dangerous inguinal hernia?

Inguinal hernia in children is dangerous by various complications. For example, the contents of the hernial sac may inflame and danger arises when there are not one but several hernias, and an intestinal obstruction is possible. But the most frequent and dangerous complication is infringement of inguinal hernia in children. That is, a state where, due to pressure in the hernia gates, blood circulation in tissues that are in the bag is disturbed. Pressure may occur due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, abdominal distention, intestinal infections, and the like. In this scenario, necrosis (necrosis) of tissues, inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis, acute intestinal obstruction, may develop. In girls, necrosis is dangerous because it develops very quickly, within 2-3 hours the ovary can die.

Dangerous symptoms of inguinal hernia in children:

In case such symptoms appear, the child is advised not to feed and immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of inguinal hernia

According to experts, up to 3-5% of inguinal hernias by 5 years are closed spontaneously. In other cases, the only treatment for inguinal hernia in children, including newborns, is surgery.

There is no need to be afraid of operations, there is nothing terrible in it. Modern techniques allow you to remove a hernia with minimal surgical intervention. And the child will be in the hospital only one day. The operation of inguinal hernia in children under general anesthesia through a mask. This is the fastest type of anesthesia and the children tolerate it easily. During surgery, the surgeon places the contents of the hernial sac in place, and removes the bag itself. The total time of surgery is about 20 minutes.

Treatment of inguinal hernia in children without surgery in traditional medicine is not yet possible. Sometimes it can be fixed, or more precisely, it can recover itself. But in any case inguinal hernia in children does not "tolerate" self-treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Much more difficult hernia can be treated in acute period, when it occurs infringement.