How to properly temper the child?

Those mothers, whose child is constantly ill even after the slightest hypothermia, raises a question about how to properly temper a child. This process is rather lengthy and requires certain nuances to be observed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that hardening should be carried out gradually, in several stages.

How to properly temper children?

As already mentioned above, the whole process consists of several stages. Consider them in order.

  1. Remove excess clothing from your baby. Every, for example, 5 days, remove from the baby one thing, replacing it with a more thin and light, i.e. A warm cotton blouse on a T-shirt or a T-shirt. Thus, you can temper the child, both from birth, and from older children.
  2. Continually walk with the child even in bad weather. Try not to miss walks in inclement weather, tk. even when it rains or a gentle wind blows, try not to leave the baby at home. The duration of such walks should be at least 1 hour. In the warm season, in the summer, you can also arrange barefoot walking around the dew. However, before you temper the child in the summer, it is necessary that this process was started as early as in the autumn, i.e. all was carried out gradually.
  3. Reduce the temperature of the water used during bathing. With older children, you can make contrast baths . So, for example, the temperature of hot water should be 34-35 degrees, and the cold - 18-20. Then, gradually the temperature of the cold water is reduced to 10 degrees.

With this contrast, the vessels first expand, and then narrow. Thus, the cardiovascular system of the child is trained. In addition, under the influence of low temperatures, reserve strength of the body, metabolism is accelerated. All this has a positive effect on increasing endurance and resistance of the body.

How to temper your throat?

Separately, we can say how to temper the child's throat. This process is carried out by lowering the drinking temperature by 1-2 degrees every day, gradually bringing the temperature of the liquid to 15-17 degrees.

Thus, in order to prevent the development of colds in children, the mother, knowing how to temper the often ill child at home, will be able to forget for a long time what the flu and ARVI are.