How to save a marriage?

Any sane person understands that without a quarrel, disagreements and mutual insults, no one marriage can not do. But it happens that minor turmoil gradually undermines family well-being and continues until one of the spouses gets bored and does not file for divorce. So how not to deal with such an outcome, how to keep love in marriage?

Is it worth preserving the marriage?

When relations in marriage no longer bring joy, the question of how to preserve the marriage is well founded. After all, something kept you so much time together, could not all the feelings disappear. But still before you start work on gluing the cracks in your family life, you should ask yourself the question, but do you need to save the marriage? Because there are things that make further living with the husband impossible. All these moments are different: someone is unable to forgive betrayal, someone can not live with a man who can not provide the necessary financial position, and someone does not need a husband, constantly disappearing at work, which children often in the photo see than at home. See for yourself whether you will be able to reconcile with the characteristics of the nature of the spouse or has already come to the brink beyond which no compromises will help.

Often women say that they live with their husbands for the sake of children. So do not need to - the child, of course, the father is needed, but parents scandals, coldness, lack of respect in the family and other negative aspects will not do at all. Think about how it will grow if the baby from the cradle surrounds only the bad. You can refer to the fact that the child does not pull out, and stay with her husband. But this is also not an argument - there are relatives who will help, and you yourself are not armless. Suffer bullying yourself and the child for money (not yet the fact that her husband will bring home, not to his mistress) - is no good.

How to save the marriage after the betrayal of her husband?

For some ladies, the infidelity of the spouse is unacceptable, and if they find out about the husband's "left" campaigns, then the application for divorce is submitted without delay. And some women think how to save a marriage after treason, because they love her husband and are ready to forgive him everything. But the preservation of relations after such a misdemeanor lies on the shoulders of both spouses.

  1. Any communication with the mistress should stop. Some men with tears in their eyes say that the other, now their best friend. Here you can only answer one thing - you had to think before, when a friend was dragged into a bunk.
  2. It's difficult to listen to treachery, but it's necessary. It will be better for you, if you understand why the husband followed another woman. His full frankness will help you to make "work on the mistakes".
  3. Yes, the betrayal of a husband is not only a consequence of his polygamousness (real conquerors rarely marry), it's your faults too. This you have ceased to be interesting to him, "zapilili", strangled with care.
  4. Without a pardon for the preservation of marriage, there can be no question. If you can not forget the offense of your husband, then you can not be together.

How to keep love in a marriage?

  1. Euphoria honeymoon will not have time to get off, as you will have claims and occasions for quarrels. The main thing is not to let them destroy your marriage - for some things the view of the spouses may be different, it's normal, people with an identical worldview simply do not exist. If you have opposite views on the main life moments, then the marriage is unlikely to be happy.
  2. Wife, of course, should look good and spend time, but any man needs a cozy nest. And if, after returning home from work in the evening, the husband will meet his manicured wife and instant noodles, then his stunning appearance will soon cease to please.
  3. Go to the other extreme - the holy keeper of the family hearth also can not. If you do not see anything other than home worries, then over time, understanding your active husband will be more difficult. The problems of his career will not worry you, but everyone late arrival of the husband home will be perceived by you not as a result of work at the workplace, but as the unfaithfulness of the spouse. You will become a hen-hen, who by her love and care will literally strangle her husband, will not allow him to make a single independent step. No one can tolerate such an attitude.
  4. In marriage, no one owes nothing to anyone. You live together because you are better off than alone. You prepare a dinner for your husband, give birth to his children, and therefore you bring them up because you want it yourself. And so he exhausts himself at work, tries to provide a family not because of sacred duty, but because he wants it.