Value orientations of the personality

A person builds his system of value orientations in a hierarchical scheme: different events, objects and phenomena have for the individual a different degree of significance, value and importance. In determining the value orientations of the personality, an important role is played by motivation , history, culture, as well as the experience of the individual. There are values ​​that have developed historically and are inherent in this culture, but there are those that a person has formed on the basis of lived by them personally.

Material and spiritual values

There is no clear and universally recognized classification for the values ​​and value orientations of the individual, but we can see for ourselves by observing which faces acquire human values.

The most common division of value orientations of the individual in psychology is material and spiritual values.

Normally, people are inherent in both, but each of us has a tendency to the advantage of one of the two. Any boundary condition in the value orientation can cause a noticeable deterioration in the standard of living. For example, if a person is guided only by material values, he can easily overstep the bounds of what is permissible in society and become his outcast. The reverse side of the medal - excessive asceticism with the prevalence of spiritual values ​​will lead to the problematic implementation of the most elementary domestic situations.

Group and individual values

Also, the goals and value orientations of the individual are divided into group and individual. Group values ​​are directed activities of a group, a collective, a society where the majority of members share this value policy.

Individual values ​​are formed by a person in the process of personal development. However, there are extraneous things that can affect the values ​​of a person - among them mental pathologies, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Conflict of values

Alcohol can not only cause a violation of the value orientation, but also its consequence. So it happens that when the external situation changes, the possibilities of realization, the values ​​of the person remain the same, overstated, and the person can not be satisfied. This conflict of opportunities and values ​​leads to alcoholism.

At the same time, the orientation and value orientations of the individual can be both overstated (not corresponding to the capabilities, talents and skills of the individual) and relatively accessible, but at the same time, a person for certain reasons does not have the opportunity to achieve them. In this case, after prolonged over-stress of the psyche, affective disorders develop.

And the values ​​were only the most important - the satisfaction of hunger (there is bulimia), or satisfaction of sexual needs.