How to develop a diction?

Did you have to notice the inability to convey your thoughts to others? This may be due to the lack of experience in public speaking, poor knowledge of the issue under discussion, or poor diction. All three aspects are correctable, but the development of correct speech requires the greatest effort, by which we mean not only a clear pronunciation of words, but also the ability to formulate one's thoughts. Therefore, you will have to work in two directions, because even if you have a news anchorage, you will not become an excellent speaker unless it is backed up with sufficient vocabulary.

How to develop a good diction and correct speech?

To begin with, you need to understand what is going to work - one thing, if you just "swallow" the endings and indistinctly pronounce the sounds in a fast speech, and quite another - if there is a dither or stutter . In the latter case, you can also try to correct the pronunciation yourself, but if this does not work, you will have to contact a specialist.

To cope with kartovostyu, it is necessary to understand how the tongue and lips should work for the correct reproduction of sounds. Then you just need to train your speech device and constantly monitor it so that the card does not return. With stuttering, the situation is more complicated, as its causes can be serious psychological problems. Therefore, if you can not get rid of fear of speaking independently, you will need to work on solving the problem with a professional.

But serious problems with speech are not so common, in other cases it is only necessary to correct their pronunciation. To schedule problem areas, record your voice on the recorder and listen to it. It is necessary to do this, as we differently perceive our voice in the conversation and on the recording. After that, you can use the following tips to develop diction and speech.

  1. If it is difficult for you to pronounce the phrase in one go, or if the voice does not sound sonorous, then it is necessary to work on the correct breathing, in this simple exercise will help. Stand up straight, put one hand on the abdomen, the other on the chest, legs set on the width of the shoulders. Breathe deeply with your nose, making sure that the air is filling the lower part of the chest (abdominal breathing). Exhale freely through the mouth. This will help to develop the diaphragm.
  2. Take a deep breath and, on exhalation, pronounce the vowels, trying to make the sound loud and long. Try singing each letter separately and all together.
  3. The next way, how to develop a good diction, is known to everyone - it's tongue twisters. Before this, it is necessary to stretch the facial muscles, lips and tongue to make it easier to cope with the task. Try a few minutes to bend, building different faces, this will help stretch facial muscles. For 10 minutes, touch the cheek with the tip of the tongue alternately, and then for about 7 minutes, change the position of the lips from the extended tube to a broad smile. These exercises will help stretch your tongue and lips.
  4. In addition to diction, pay attention to how you say - do you highlight important moments in pauses, enrich your speech with intonations. Also it is necessary to get rid of the words-parasites and do not forget to replenish your vocabulary.

The above tips will help you develop a good diction , but do not forget that you need to work on it constantly.