What is useful for meat?

Meat - the main supplier of energy material in our body, that is, animal protein. There are also many amino acids present in the meat - builders of DNA and RNA of each cell; there are in it vitamins and some minerals necessary for the well-coordinated work of our body.

Useful properties of meat are based on the fact that it is a well of valuable proteins, such as tropomyosin, actin and myosin, which supply irreplaceable building biological material for our body - amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan and others).

Contained in the meat is a full set of macronutrients - magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, in small amounts of calcium and chlorine. Each of them carries its beneficial effect on the body, for example, potassium and magnesium help in carrying out nerve impulses - the autonomous mechanism of our heart is in great need of them; sulfur is a part of many enzymes and hormones; phosphorus and calcium help to grow and strengthen the skeleton.

Meat contains all three components (sodium, potassium and chlorine), which create an acid-base balance in our body. Therefore, taking meat, helps to regulate many processes in tissues and organs.

It should be taken into account that meat - the richest source of B vitamins, which are responsible for the activity of the nervous system, are indispensable in regeneration, activate metabolic processes.

What kind of meat is the most useful for a person?

Useful in use, is considered meat of low-fat varieties. The most useful, dietary meat - rabbit meat, it has a low calorie content and contains all the useful substances.

Useful varieties include turkey, venison and horse meat. These meat representatives are rich in proteins and valuable substances. Veal has many useful properties, but it contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol, so it does not cost everyone.