New Year's toys made of paper

Back in the distant and happy tsarist times, all December evenings in families were devoted to making Christmas tree decorations and carnival costumes. As a rule, they made Christmas toys from paper. And even in rich families, along with purchased glass balls, there were certainly toys, carefully made by children under the direction of her mother. There are Christmas balls made of paper, snowflakes, lacy paper garlands, and flashlights.

Christmas balls made of paper

Such a charming ball you can easily make out of old cards or scraps of paper.

  1. We need 8 circles of the same diameter (you can circle any glass).
  2. Now cut 2 small circles, about half the diameter of the previous ones.
  3. Each large circle is folded in half, and then again in half, as shown in the diagram.
  4. Paste four large mugs on one small, and those four that remain - on the other. You should get two halves for your future ball.
  5. Now it is necessary to correctly place the quarters of large circles on one small circle. "Pockets" in the folded circles should be straightened as neatly as possible. You can make them in advance, and before you paste, attach and see if you will properly glue them together.
  6. Now it remains only to glue the two prepared halves, and after the glue dries, spread the "pockets". Your exclusive Christmas ball of paper is ready!

And here's another option:

  1. We need 20 circles of the same diameter. In each such circle, an equilateral triangle must be inscribed. It is enough to mark out one circle and copy to the others.
  2. Of the five fragments, we make the top of the paper ball. We pass and fix the tape. Another of the five glue the bottom.
  3. Of the remaining 10 elements, you need to make the middle of the New Year's ball. To do this, glue them into a strip, and then close it in a ring. We glue all the details of the paper ball into one.

Christmas decoration from paper

Even the garland of Christmas lights in the design of paper design looks stylish and refined.

In order to make such decoration for the window sill you will need:

  1. From the cardboard we cut out the composition (use the templates below or connect your imagination). You can cut a row of Christmas trees from a cardboard, and centimeters in 5-10 before it to attach a number of houses. Anyway, you should get 2 blanks according to the size of your windowsill.
  2. From the same cardboard we glue a box inside which we place foam rubber on which we will place cardboard "holders" into which the cut pictures will be inserted. We set the cut out stencils in foam rubber, as shown in the photo.
  3. Between the stencils, into the foam rubber we insert a Christmas tree garland.

Paper fir-trees

Many are adopting the origami technique for making New Year toys of paper. There is nothing bad in this, a new foreign technique develops assiduity and spatial thinking. But one can not forget one's traditions either. New-year toys made of paper were usually cut with scissors in the form of delicate artworks of angels, snowflakes, lace fir-trees, snow patterns. This technique is called a whimper.

  1. Print out or copy a template on half a sheet of paper, fold it in half and fasten the sheets with a stapler.
  2. Start cutting from the inner patterns, gradually moving to the edges. Long straight lines cut with a metal ruler.
  3. Cut out your Christmas tree on the outline. To give the volume of the lower part of the tree, you can twist the strips of the base with a ruler or scissors. Connect the upper and lower locks.

You can find the scheme for this and other interesting stencils below.