The sign - the butterfly sat on a man

Among the existing signs there are a number of those who speak of certain messengers who connect the world of the living with the world of the dead. Some of them are associated with the image of the butterfly: it is from ancient times that it is considered the conductor of information from the afterlife.

Butterfly sat on the man - the interpretation of the omens

Just note that it was always considered a bad omen to kill a butterfly - this means bringing disaster into the house or to bring disaster to the one who killed it. But why do butterflies sit on a man? Most likely, they want to warn about something, to report something important. And this means that such information had to be learned to understand.

Many peoples of Europe associated it with the undisturbed and wandering souls of dead babies, who were not baptized, suicides or atheists. In a number of people, the appearance of a butterfly in the house was perceived as a signal that soon one of the household members would die.

But the Slavs were glad to see her: if the butterfly sat on a man, then she was considered the messenger of good events - favorable trips, travel, the appearance of guests in the house. True, as in any rule, there were exceptions, or rather warnings. If the insect was sitting on the right shoulder, it was necessary to expect a friend to visit, and if on the left - to be ready to meet with a not very pleasant person. The positive side of such information: forewarned - means armed. In this case, the appearance of the butterfly is not considered a good sign in the house, and, in order to avoid trouble, it must necessarily be released, trying not to damage the insect.

And if you have a beautiful beautiful flyer "landed" on your palm, expect a happy mutual love.

Butterfly can not only fly into the house, but, as we were convinced, sit on the person: on the head, on the arm, on any part of the body. There is a sign: the butterfly has sat on the foot of a man. The leg is the organ of movement, and if the heavenly guest has chosen your foot for landing, you are likely to have a journey: bright, full of positive emotions and pleasant impressions. The insect that sits on its leg is a harbinger of good events and useful meetings. As for the realization of what the sign holds, it is usually performed quite quickly. If this does not happen, help yourself to realize what will work for you. Having understood what the sign means, if the butterfly has settled on a person, you can live and rejoice: its appearance is a good sign.