What is the name of Artem

The name Artem has a solid foundation, even in a diminutive sound - Theme, this name sounds solid. Therefore, the bearer of this name feels confident and calm. The main feature of the bearers of this name is that they try to "go their own way" and rely only on themselves.

This name is translated from Greek as "unharmed", "healthy", originally it sounded like Artemy. Now these are two separate names.

Origin of the name Artem:

It is assumed that the name Artem comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of hunting Artemis.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Artem:

As a child, Artem often suffers from cold illnesses. By nature, this child is calm, does not interfere anywhere and does not impose his opinion on anyone. Grows quiet and obedient. In the classroom - protects the weak. With the mastery of the school program, he has no problems. Is a favorite of teachers. Early interest in books and begins to read, with pleasure goes to the library. He does not like deception in any of his manifestations. Always tells the truth in person that many people do not like. Communicative and benevolent. Most often it's like a mother. Artem, from childhood, looks older than his age. In the company of comrades takes a leading place. For advice to him are even the older guys.

Most often, a man named Artyom is single-minded and flexible. He is very devoted to his relatives, he is not talkative. Many people trust their secrets. It is pleasant to communicate with him, because, from birth, it contains a sense of tact and balance. Artem always knows where to stay and does not climb onto the trouble. Tema is not a dreamer and not a dreamer - he lives in the real world. He will not allow anyone to humiliate his own dignity, he can stand up for himself. Artemis can save. Money is not easy for them, therefore they are not wasted on trifles. They are able to accumulate them in large quantities.

Artem has many familiar, but real friends, they choose very carefully. With pleasure they will come to the rescue, usually, they are reliable. Many people think that this is because of a heartfelt affection for the person to whom it helps, but it is not. Artem loves strong and strong-willed people. It is worth losing someone's vigilance and getting under their influence - he immediately loses interest in this person. To people with leadership abilities, Artem belongs without fear and excitement, he is ready even to show his character before them. This attitude can only deserve respect. Artem does not know how to hide in bushes and stay away. Much of the life of Theme depends on the world around him.

Most often, Artem is able to reach career heights, success comes to him with difficulty. With his superiors he is always on good terms, does not allow himself to have romances with fellow women. Is inclined to philosophy, diplomacy and politics. Artem is able to organize his work correctly, thanks to his vital energy, he will try to translate all his ideas into reality. Many Artemis have a musical ear.

Artem is an independent person, therefore, even in marriage, he does not lose his individuality. His companion will have to put up with it. From Artem it is impossible to make a henpecked hen, his pride never allows him to become so. And if this happens, he will fall into depression and wither away.

He is very consistent and thoughtful. The only thing that can lead Artyom out of himself and lead to unpredictable consequences is the betrayal of the wife. He is even ready to commit a crime to punish her lover.

Interesting facts about the name of Artem:

The Holy Great Martyr Artemy (Artyom) is an outstanding military leader who deserved a large number of awards for courage and good service. After his appointment as governor of Egypt, he did a great job to strengthen and spread Christianity in the Egyptian empire.

In Russia this name came with Christianity from Byzantium. Initially, this name was given to the righteous boy, after whose death, on the order of the king, a monastery was built in which his relics were kept.

Artem was called one of the seventy, well-known history, at the moment, of the Apostles.

Name Artem in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Artem : Artemyushka, Artyu, Tyunya, Monya, Toma, Artemchik, Artyunya, Tyusha, Artyomka, Artemonka, Artyom, Tyoma, Artamonka, Artamokh, Tyunya, Artyusha, Artyusha, Artyuha, Artyusha, Tyusha, Artyunya, Artyosha, Artamosha, Artya

Artem - color of name : dark blue

Flower of Artem : chrysanthemum

Stone of Artem : beryl, carnelian