The first signs of AIDS

The syndrome of acquired immunodeficiency is characterized by a decrease in the protective functions of the body due to the low content of cells responsible for immunity - in particular, the CD4 lymphocytes. It is they who are affected by HIV, however, referring to the group of "slow" viruses, it does not let people know about themselves soon. Usually, from the moment of infection and before the first signs of AIDS appear, dozens of years pass.

Stages of HIV infection

  1. The incubation period is 3-6 weeks.
  2. Acute febrile phase - occurs after the incubation period, but in 30-50% of HIV-infected is not manifested.
  3. The asymptomatic period is 10 to 15 years (on average).
  4. The unfolded stage is AIDS.

In 10% of patients, a lightning-fast course of HIV infection occurs when the condition deteriorates immediately after the incubation period.

The first symptoms

At an acute febrile stage, the infection manifests itself in the form of nonspecific symptoms, such as headache, sore throat, muscle and / or joint pain, fever (usually subfebrile - up to 37.5 ° C), nausea, diarrhea, swelling of the lymph nodes. Often the first signs of HIV infection (AIDS can not be called this condition yet) are confused with catarrhal diseases or malaise due to stress, fatigue.

Suspicions for HIV

An HIV test is recommended if the following violations occur:

An analysis of the immunodeficiency virus should also be given if there was unsafe sex or blood transfusion. Antibodies to which the analysis is sensitive begin to be produced 4 to 24 weeks after infection, before this the test result may not be indicative.

Characteristic signs of AIDS

At the end of the asymptomatic period, the number of CD4 cell lymphocytes (the immune status that HIV-positive patients check every 3-6 months to control the course of the disease) is reduced to 200 / μL, whereas the normal value is 500 to 1200 / μL. At this stage, AIDS begins, and its first signs are illnesses caused by opportunistic infections (conditionally pathogenic human flora). Living microorganisms in the body do not harm a healthy person, but for an HIV-infected patient with a weakened immune system these pathogens are very dangerous.

The patient complains of pharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis, which recur and poorly treated.

External signs of AIDS are manifested in the form of skin rashes:

Heavy stage

At the next stage of the course of HIV infection, the above main signs and symptoms of AIDS are supplemented by a significant loss of body weight (more than 10% of the total weight).

The patient may experience:

Severe forms of AIDS are also accompanied by serious neurological disorders.


To delay the moment when the first signs of AIDS show up, prevention is necessary - in women and men medications can prevent the development of tuberculosis and PCP. Also, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, keep clean in the room, avoid contact with animals and colds.