The taste of iodine in the mouth

An unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth can appear after eating different foods. And this is quite normal. It is quite another matter when it happens without cause. For example, when in the morning after sleep, the taste of iodine is clearly felt in the mouth. Often this is an alarming bell - an occasion to visit a specialist and consult. The fact is that iodine taste in the mouth can be a symptom of various diseases.

Because of what in the morning there is an aftertaste of iodine in your mouth?

Yodism is the first thing to be afraid of when an unpleasant taste develops in your mouth. Most often, the problem arises from the excessive use of drugs, which contain iodine.

If the cause of iodine taste in the mouth is really in iodism, the patient will also have other symptoms:

In some patients, iodizm is additionally accompanied by cramps. To get rid of both the disease and its symptoms, it is enough to rinse the stomach with starch or flour dissolved in water.

Why does the taste of iodine appear in the mouth?

Of course, iodism is not the only reason for the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. Among the main problems can be identified and such:

  1. Very often the taste of iodine in the mouth causes diseases of the thyroid gland. In this case, the patient may be noted irritability and excessive nervousness. Many gain weight and suffer from swelling of the legs .
  2. The cause of iodide taste in the mouth are dental problems: damage to the seal, tooth enamel or directly the tooth.
  3. Sometimes this way the body is affected by hormonal drugs.
  4. Ignore the taste of iodine, and because this symptom may indicate an exacerbation of liver diseases. In this case, pain in the organ may be absent.
  5. Some medications can also cause iodine taste. A symptom may appear even after some time after the completion of the treatment course.
  6. Most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract also contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant iodide flavor.

As you can see, the problem is not so harmless. Determine the exact cause and appoint a suitable treatment will only be able to an expert after conducting a complete survey.