Medication for dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis is diagnosed when a healthy microflora is disturbed in the intestine. At first glance, the ailment may seem innocuous enough. But the people who came across him know perfectly well that it is possible to take medicine for dysbacteriosis for months. The process of treating the disease is actually quite difficult - to restore the microflora and to consolidate the successful result for a long time is very problematic.

Why are drugs for dysbiosis needed?

The most well-known cause of dysbacteriosis is prolonged or uncontrolled treatment with antibiotics. In addition, inexpensive drugs for dysbacteriosis may be required because of:

The best cures for intestinal dysbiosis

You can cure the disease by restoring the normal amount of bifidobacteria , bacteroides, lactobacilli. This can be done with the help of prebiotics - substances that enter the body with food, not digested, but serve as a nutrient medium for microflora. To such medicines from a dysbacteriosis of an intestine it is accepted to carry:

In large quantities, these substances are found in fermented milk products, garlic, onions, cereals, chicory, wheat, corn.

Effective cures for dysbiosis - probiotics. They are intended to suppress the "bad" microflora and restore the lost balance between beneficial and harmful microorganisms. The preparations of this group contain living bacteria. They are:

In particularly severe cases, antibiotic drugs may be used during therapy. They are prescribed only by the gastroenterologist after detailed clinical studies.

To the list of the best medicines for dysbiosis it is customary to include: