The child twitches in a dream

Sleep is an integral part of every person's life, because in a dream the body rests and restores strength. It is especially important for children, because it is during sleep that a special hormone is released and the child grows intensively. Therefore, parents pay special attention to this issue, worrying about the appearance of the slightest violations and deviations. One such reason for concern is that the child twitches in a dream.

Causes of winceing in a dream

In fact, there is nothing to worry about, it is quite a normal process, which has a scientific name - myoclonies of falling asleep. Adults themselves often observe such a phenomenon - when in a dream you suddenly shudder and wake up from the feeling that you are falling into a hole. But a child's dream is quite another matter and in order to understand why a child twitches in a dream, it is necessary to understand the features of a child's dream and its differences from an adult.

The adult's sleep consists of several phases - immediate falling asleep and alternating periods of deep and shallow sleep, followed by awakening. Superficial sleep takes about 2 hours per night, and deep - all the rest of the time. In children, the time that these phases occupy is distributed differently. Deep sleep takes short periods of time, followed by a superficial sleep, for which movements, changes in facial expressions and even partial awakening are characteristic. That is why the child often jerks when falling asleep and throughout the night.

Such features are provided by nature and are due to the fact that it is during the superficial sleep that the brain matures, the formation and perfection of its functions. The newborn child also strongly jerks in a dream and sometimes wakes up, but it is also connected with congenital reflexes and intrauterine memory. Sleep, accompanied by jerks and frequent awakenings are typical for children under the age of 5 years.

Other reasons for sleep myoclonia include emotional overexcitation and physical overwork during the day. If the child, when falling asleep, jerks, it is necessary to analyze what preceded the restless night and in what conditions he sleeps. For a sound and restful sleep, you should lay crumbs in a well-ventilated room, the temperature of which should be 18-21 ° C. Before going to bed, the baby should not be hungry, but it's also not necessary to overfeed. In order to avoid unnecessary emotional excitement, you should exclude watching cartoons and active games before going to bed.