Shrovetide festival - a story for children

Since childhood, children need to talk about the traditions of their people, to inculcate respect for them, besides, it will be useful for children to hear the history of famous holidays. After all, the story can be prepared in an accessible form, taking into account the peculiarities of the age of young listeners. For example, the story of Maslenitsa - one of the most noisy and merry holidays - will be interesting for children. He does not have an exact date, therefore every year he is marked at different times in late winter or early spring. Within 7 days before the Great Lent the people are having fun and walking, and this is what Maslenichna is called a week ago.

Origin of the holiday

For children, the history of the celebration of Maslenitsa in Russia should begin with the origins of this tradition. The roots of the holiday go into paganism, when it was celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox. The event was dedicated to the wires of winter and the glorification of the sun. Therefore, not just as an obligatory attribute of celebrations was a pancake, because it is he who symbolizes a bright sun.

With the advent of Christianity, Maslenitsa received another important appointment, as it became part of the preparation for the Great Post. This week it was already impossible to eat meat, but it was allowed to eat fish, eggs, dairy products. The people were preparing for the upcoming restrictions and tried to get ready and have fun.

Under Peter I Maslenitsa was celebrated at the Red Gate in Moscow, and all the action was bright and colorful. So until now in the Shrovetide week, noisy carnivals and masquerades are held.

Festive Traditions

The main festivities took place from Thursday to Monday, and at the beginning of the week everyone was actively preparing for them. Required food should have been pancakes and hot tea.

The youth rolled around the hills, had fun, and the guys could show themselves in fisticuffs, which were traditionally held these days. Snow fortresses were also being built, for which battles were fought, that is, someone defended ice structures, while others tried to attack them.

No story of the Shrovetide holiday for children will not do without mentioning the burning of a scarecrow. This action was a symbol of the approach of spring and heat, and also was the culmination of the whole event.