Applique made of cotton wool

Applikatsiya - one of the simplest, but at the same time, pedagogically effective types of children's creativity. The applications help to develop the child's fine motor skills, taste, artistic ability, and also to diversify tactile experience, if not only paper, but also other materials are used for applications: fabric, cotton wool, seeds, cereals, clay.

Many parents believe that the applique is an occupation suitable for accurate and painstaking senior preschoolers and thereby deprive themselves and their children of the joys of early development. So, paper, the most common material for such creativity, penetrates the life of the child very early - already at the age of one he is able to tear paper, crumple, make lumps. By 2-3 years, a very solid experience of interaction with this material, the concept of its properties, as a result, there is an interest in drawing and applications. At this stage, children can easily do simple jobs - tear off pieces of paper to crush them and paste them on previously prepared drawings. Having mastered a simple technique, children's creativity can be diversified by adding other materials: napkins, plasticine, pieces of tissue. Original, interesting and at the same time simple in the implementation of applications of cotton wool and cotton wool.

Parents know how babies like to fiddle with cotton wool: crumple it in pens, tear it to pieces, scatter around the apartment. This interest can be directed to a positive direction, showing the baby what unusual volumetric applications are obtained with cotton wool. We bring to your attention some interesting ideas for conscientious creativity with the baby.

Applique "Bunny" made of cotton wool

Materials that we need:

Shape the hare on the cardboard, spread evenly with glue on top. On the whole surface of the figure, evenly spread the pieces of cotton wool, gently pressing them with a napkin. Fan the cotton so that the applique becomes more voluminous.

Diversify the composition - lay out of cotton wool clouds, sun, carrots, color them with gouache.

Cut out a glazed black paper or paste it already finished. Gouache draw a spout. The resulting composition is inserted into the frame.

Applique from cotton wool "Barashke"

We need:

So, to begin with, you can prepare the base - the drawing, if you doubt your artistic abilities, print it out on the printer.

Those places that our lamb has fluffy, grease with glue and apply on top cotton wool. That the glue does not dry up, it is possible to smear gradually, small sites.

As a result, we get such a fluffy miracle.

Applique "Snowman" made of cotton wheels

Due to the specifics of the material, the most common theme for applications of cotton wool is winter, snow and New Year. We bring to your attention a winter appliqué in the form of a snowman.

We will need:


From the wadded disks we cut in circles and semicircles of different sizes. We glue them to the paper in such a way that the snowman, snowdrifts and flakes of snow turn out directly.

From the colored paper, we cut out the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the bucket, the hands for the snowman and glue them to the appropriate places. Glue the finished snowflakes.

The application is ready, it can be presented as a New Year's card.