Grass plantain - useful properties and contraindications

In folk recipes grass psyllium is popular, because it effectively copes with various problems related to health and beauty. There are many folk recipes, time-tested. It is important to consider that the plant not only benefits, but can also do harm.

Plantain - useful properties and contraindications

In this plant there are many important components, so, there are in it flavonoids, glycosides, acids, choline, vitamin C and K, and also potassium, magnesium and other substances. It will be interesting to know what is useful about plantain:

  1. Reduces the level of triglycerides and positively affects the condition of the heart and blood vessels. With regular use, you can reduce the risk of a heart attack and stroke.
  2. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it can be used as an anti-cancer drug.
  3. It is a good antispasmodic, which is effective, for example, during menstruation.
  4. Promotes the purification of blood , and still possess leaves diuretic effect.

It should be taken into account that, like many plants, the plantain has a list of contraindications:

  1. Some people may have an individual intolerance to the plant, which manifests itself as an allergy.
  2. With increased acidity of the stomach, folk remedies are contraindicated.
  3. Forbidden plant with increased blood coagulability and thrombi.

Plantain - medicinal properties and application

The plant has a wide range of useful substances and it has been included in the recipes of traditional medicine since ancient times. The list concerning what helps plantain, you can continue for a long time, so it is effective for problems with the stomach, respiratory system, blood vessels and so on. You can use fresh and dry leaves, preparing from them broths and infusions.

Plantain against coughing

The plant contains biologically active substances, which have a positive effect on the activity of the respiratory system. Plantain effectively fights bacterial and viral infections, and it also disinfects mucous membranes and promotes the regeneration of microdamages. Finding out what the plantain is treating, it is worth mentioning and the analgesic effect of the plant. We note also the stimulating effect, due to which the grass strengthens the immune system.



  1. Take the enamel pot and put the prepared ingredients into it. Put on a small fire and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. After the time has elapsed, insist the day under the lid in a dark place. Before each meal take 1 tbsp. spoon of ready infusion.

Plantain with gastritis

The positive effect of plants on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract was known even in ancient times. In the leaves there are substances that improve the production of gastric juice and reduce mucosal inflammation, thanks to the enveloping effect. Plantain for the stomach is useful enzymes that accelerate the biochemical processes of the body, and carotene, which contributes to the healing process of wounds.



  1. Grind the plant and fill it with alcohol. Insist all for 12 hours and strain.
  2. Take this medicine in its pure form with gastritis can not, so dilute it with water, using 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 100 ml. Drink a tincture a month before the main meals.

Plantain against hemorrhoids

More often, hemorrhoids provoke constipation, and so the plant helps to fight this problem by stimulating the production of gastric juice, softening the stool and facilitating the passage of stool. Useful properties of plantain important for hemorrhoids: relieves inflammation, promotes wound regeneration, has antiseptic effect and reduces pain sensations. There are a number of rules for how to treat:

  1. Seven leaves of the plant wash and tear your hands in small pieces to make the juice stand out. Pour them with boiling water and insist for three minutes.
  2. After this, shift the prepared leaves to a gauze dressing and wait until they cool down to an acceptable temperature. Apply to the anus and hold until the leaves cool.
  3. The treatment should last for 10 days. For prevention, it is recommended to repeat the course 1-2 times in three months.

Treatment of plantain joints

A large number of people, especially the elderly, suffer from painful sensations in the joints. Healing properties of plantain help to cope with it, and also it reduces inflammation. There are two ways in which you can use the plant for joint problems:

  1. Mix chopped leaves and honey in equal proportions. Stir well and store in the refrigerator for a long time. Apply on gauze and apply to the problem area. Please note that this method can not be used for varicose veins.
  2. You can take flowers and plantain, which must be crushed to isolate the juice. Keep such a compress can not be longer than 20 minutes, otherwise it can cause a burn.

Plantain in pancreatitis

The effectiveness of plants in the treatment of problems with the pancreas is confirmed by many people, since it lowers the tone, removes puffiness and normalizes the process of producing gastric juice. Medicinal properties of plantain include an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. There are different recipes, but more often fresh juice is used, since it has a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

  1. Clean the leaves and press them through gauze to get the juice.
  2. If it came out thick, then you can add boiled water, observing equal proportions.
  3. Put the juice on the stove and boil it for a couple of minutes, and then, refrigerate and store in the refrigerator, but not more than two weeks.
  4. Grass will help with pancreatitis, if you take juice for 1-2 dessert spoons in 20 minutes. before meals three times a day. Duration of admission should be determined by the doctor and in most cases it is 15-30 days.

Plantain with trophic ulcers

Often, with varicose veins and postthrombophlebitic syndrome, wounds appear on the skin that do not heal. Trophic ulcers can be either single or multiple. In addition to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor, you can use folk recipes. The leaves are suitable for the preparation of an agent intended for external treatment.



  1. Plantain in folk medicine is used only in a purified form, so it should be collected away from roads and plants, and thoroughly washed. Fill it with water and put it on the stove.
  2. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes, and then, insist under the lid for an hour. It will only drain and can be used.
  3. Irrigate the surface of ulcers several times a day. In the evening, it is recommended to make a compress by applying the leaves remaining from the broth.

Plantain for weight loss

The plant can be used not only for treatment, but also for getting rid of excess weight , because it improves metabolism, relieves hunger, prevents the deposition of fat and normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood. The use of plantain promotes the purification of the digestive tract and improves the digestive system. The plant stimulates the production of gastric juice, so that the process of splitting food will occur faster.

  1. To get the plantain juice, you need to take the tops of the leaves and beat them with boiling water. Grind them and get the juice.
  2. Mix it with vodka in equal amounts, and before use tincture dilute with water, using 1 tbsp. spoon in 50 ml of water.
  3. Take the remedy for weight loss three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Duration of use is a maximum of a month.

Plantain in cosmetology

The plant is recommended not only for the treatment of various diseases, but it is also used for cosmetic purposes. Properties of plantain have a rejuvenating effect, relieve inflammation, smooth irregularities and reduce the risk of rashes. Another plant moisturizes the dry dermis and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. Useful grass psyllium and hair, so with its help you can restore the structure, get rid of brittle and visited ends, increase growth, increase blood circulation and stop loss, and even increase the nutrition of hair bulbs.

Plantain for hair

To improve the condition of your head of hair, you can use different means and the popular options include the following:

  1. Decoction. Leaves and seeds of plantain (20 g) chop and put in a glass container. Pour all 1 liter of boiling water. Cool and rinse hair after washing. To wash it is necessary nothing.
  2. Juice. Take the juice of plantain (1 tablespoon) and rub it into the scalp. At high fat content, use plantain plantain in pure form, and with dry scalp, dilute the juice in equal amounts with water. Put on the hat and leave the mask for 20-30 minutes. Do 1-2 procedures for a month.

Plantain for the face

There are several ways to use a skin care plant that is suitable for daily use:

  1. Ice. Dry grass plantain (8 g) is poured in water (80 ml) and infused under a lid for a couple of hours. Strain and add wheat oil (5 ml). Stir well, pour into molds and freeze. Finish the ice by wiping the skin, moving on massage lines. In this case, the plantain helps with pimples, small wrinkles and other problems. Spend 10 sessions.
  2. Mask for face from plantain. Leaves of psyllium (6 pcs.) Chop in a meat grinder, add sour cream (20 g) and quail egg . Thoroughly beat the mixer all the way up to homogeneity. Keep on the face for 20 minutes. and wash off the decoction of chamomile.