Do goji berries help to lose weight?

Profitable advertising or blatant truth - that's the question. In any case, the very fact of how sharply they began to say that goji berries help to lose weight leads to the emergence of suspicions. After all, no one had ever heard of these miraculous berries before.

Goji berries - facts

The main question that a woman, looking for a saving remedy for losing weight, asks herself and her friends - whether the goji berries help to lose weight. But you really want to believe that yes.

Let's see logically. Goji berries are the fruits of a woody plant. Growing goji only in the Himalayas, which only adds oil to the fire of our fantasies.

What is sold here is dried berries, dried fruits , such as dried cranberries, dates or figs. Having eaten a little dried fruit, you, of course, will kill the desire to eat sweet, but you will not lose weight in front of your eyes?

Let's look at the composition - here, it seems, and the solution of popularity. Probably lose weight with the help of goji berries, it will be possible, just because of the magnificent ingredients:

The composition of the berries speaks for itself - we are dealing with a unique product.

Effects on the digestive tract

Usually, weight loss is achieved through the activation of metabolism, improvement of intestinal motility, purification from the products of decay, normalization of insulin production. Such a useful product, like goji berries, could not help influencing the functioning of the digestive system.

The effect of weight loss is achieved through the unique polysaccharides mentioned above. They stimulate the motor-secretory activity of the intestine, promote the removal of toxic substances, cholesterol, heavy metals and radionuclides. In addition, they maintain a stable composition of the intestinal microflora. All this leads to a harmonious activity of the whole organism, and hence to the logical loss of excess mass.