Low-fat dry milk

For the first time people tried milk powder at the beginning of the 19th century, and its industrial production was established only a hundred years later. Time passed, equipment changed, but the principle of manufacture remains the same. The normalized milk is pasteurized, concentrated and evaporated. It seems that everything is simple, but in fact it is a complex and time-consuming process. Dry milk, quite quickly, found wide application. Easy storage and use allowed this product to quickly gain popularity.

A special place among the substitute products was skimmed milk powder.

Composition of skimmed milk powder

The composition of such milk differs little from the whole, the difference is only in the lower percentage of fat content. 100 g of the product contains: fats - 1 g, proteins 33.2 g, carbohydrates - 52.6 g., Caloric content 362 kcal.

The amount of nutrients in the composition of dry skim milk is fully preserved. As in whole milk, vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining immunity and protective functions of the body, is contained in fat-free milk; vitamin C, without which it is impossible to build cells and organs; vitamin PP, which is critical for energy production; vitamin E - one of the most powerful antioxidants, in combination with vitamins A and C supports the body's resistance to harmful environmental influences. The group of vitamins B plays an important role in the cellular metabolism. Vitamin D is needed to ensure that our teeth and hair are healthy.

The composition of dry skimmed milk includes a whole complex of macroelements, such as iodine, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, molybdenum, cobalt, aluminum, chromium, fluorine, tin, strontium. And also microelements: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur.

Application of skimmed milk powder

The most popular is skimmed milk powder in people who struggle with excess weight, as it is used in many diets. This product is included in the daily diet of many athletes. Low-fat milk has a high calorie content, but, at the same time, it contains a small percentage of fats. For this reason, skimmed milk powder is widely used in bodybuilding. It is recommended to use no more than 2-3 servings (one serving - 100 g) of skimmed milk powder per day.

The content of micro and macro elements, mentioned above, normalizes the balance of fluid in the body, affects the generation of energy by muscles, regulates the balance between muscle tissues and nerve tissues, ensures the normal operation of the heart muscle. All these properties are necessary for large physical loads in bodybuilding.

Benefits and harms of dry skim milk

On the useful qualities of dry skim milk is already a lot mentioned above. For the sake of justice, it is worth mentioning the shortcomings of this product. For some people, this product is simply contraindicated, as, indeed, any other dairy product. These are people whose body does not process lactose. Do not forget that even in skimmed milk powder, fats of animal origin are present, which refer to saturated fats. Therefore, excessive consumption of this product can cause a malfunction in the nutritional balance of the body, which will lead to a disruption of the cellular metabolism and the appearance of fatty deposits. At high physical exertion, do not take milk powder in the morning and after training.

Use dry skim milk as an alternative to natural milk and stay healthy.