Cake "Potato" from biscuits

Famous sweet delicious - a chocolate cake "Potato", (the name came from an external similarity). It can be said that this confectionery product is a cult delicacy throughout the post-Soviet space, and in many other countries. You can, of course, buy your favorite sweets in a pastry shop, but in this case you can not be completely sure of the freshness of cakes and the quality of the ingredients used. Therefore, it is better to make "Kartoshka" cakes at home, which is not difficult at all, because this sweetness is cooked without baking, all the ingredients are completely accessible. You can attract children from the age of 5-6 years to prepare the "Kartoshka", they will be delighted with their activities and results, in addition, participation in collective cooking for the child will be an unobtrusive learning activity and useful experience.

There are many variants of recipes for making a cake called "Potato". In any of the formulations, there is some loose base (ground breadcrumbs or biscuits), chopped nuts, butter and cocoa powder.

Cake "Potatoes" from sweet vanilla breadcrumbs - recipe



Dry the crumbs in any convenient way: either with a meat grinder or in a blender, combine. Nuts also need to be ground, but it's better not to flour, but to the size of the match head - so we'll get a more interesting texture of the cake (you can just chop them with a knife).

Prepare chocolate creamy cream. Mix sugar with cocoa powder. Lightly heat the cream (preferably in a water bath) and completely melt the cream in butter. Add cognac and a mixture of sugar and cocoa. Warm the mixture, stirring until the sugar dissolves completely, and the mixture will become a homogeneous mass.

A little (2 tablespoons) biscuits mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of powdered sugar and add a little cocoa powder - this will be a mixture for caving in - we put the bowl aside.

Place the ground biscuits and nuts in a non-plastic bowl. We mix and form a slide with a depression, into which we pour a creamy chocolate cream. Mix it (it is convenient to make a fork). From the resulting mixture, we form round or oblong potatoes and roll them in the prepared mixture. We put the "potatoes" on a dish, do not put them layers one on another. We put the dish in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Eat "potatoes" should be within 2-3 days, however, it seems that you can not worry about it, as they say, fly away faster.

If you have not found vanilla biscuits, you can use simple biscuits, dry biscuit. Add some vanilla or cinnamon to the mixture - just not together - these spices do not combine.

To prepare dietary cakes "Potato", we use dry unsweetened crackers, white baguette crackers or diet breads. The amount of sugar is reduced to 1-2 st. spoons.

For children (however, for adults, especially men and those wishing to build themselves), it will be useful to include quail eggs in the "Kartoshka" cakes (they are absolutely safe in their raw form, unlike chicken ones). We add and we interpose the eggs in a ready slightly cooled mixture of crackers with nuts and chocolate-cream cream (see above).

In the composition of the mass for cakes, you can also include coconut shavings, grated cottage cheese in small quantities, and if you cook on milk, then gelatin or agar-agar.

Serve potatoes "Potato" is best in the morning for breakfast or lunch with tea, coffee or hot chocolate, for children, of course, better compotes, karkade or rooibos, you can sour milk drinks.