Honey, lemon, garlic - recipe

A healthy recipe for a mixture of garlic, honey and lemon is known for a long time. It includes the optimal combination of components, in which each of the ingredients complements and enhances the therapeutic effect of the other.

This gives an excellent effect of general strengthening of the body. Honey affects the immune system, digestive processes. Improves working capacity, blood quality. Helps preserve calcium in the human body. Garlic has antiviral properties, contains phytoncids, slows down the aging process and actively cleanses the body of toxins, reduces blood pressure. Lemon - the leader in the content of antioxidant - vitamin C, strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular systems, is a natural antiseptic.

Classical mix



  1. Lemons and garlic twisted in a meat grinder (blender).
  2. In the resulting mixture add honey and mix thoroughly.
  3. To sustain in the closed ware in the darkness of 10-15 days. From time to time, shake.

Take the mixture should be one tablespoon, in the morning on an empty stomach, 15-30 minutes before breakfast. In the evening - an hour and a half after the last meal. The mixture can be diluted in a glass of water.

Expected effect:

Tincture of honey, lemon and garlic



  1. Garlic crush and grind with a knife.
  2. Lemon is washed and also finely chopped together with the peel.
  3. Mix lemon and garlic with honey.
  4. Place this mixture in a three-liter jar and pour water to the top.
  5. Insist 3-4 days in the refrigerator.

Tincture should be taken 15-20 minutes before breakfast. Start with a quarter of a glass, gradually bringing up to half a glass. This amount of tincture is enough for the course of treatment. The effect of healing is the same as that of the first recipe, but a great plus of infusion is its quick preparation.

Honey, garlic and lemon with linseed oil

Flaxseed oil contains a large number of fatty acids, which positively affect the female body. To prepare this mixture you will need the same proportions of ingredients as in the first recipe. At the end, add 200 grams of flaxseed oil and mix thoroughly, for 10 days in a dark place.

Take the drug on an empty stomach, in the morning and in the evening on a tablespoon.

Expected effect:

Contraindications for the use of a mixture of honey, garlic and lemon mixture

Contraindications for taking such infusion and mixture may be:

If you take this compound for the first time, then, in order to avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to start with a small dose, gradually bringing it to the required amount. Take the drug follows courses in the fall and spring.