Sabelnik - useful properties and contraindications

Traditional medicine for a long time carefully examines sabelnik - useful properties and contraindications to the use of this plant are comparable to ginseng . DecoP (another name) contains a unique set of medicinal chemical compounds that help fight many serious diseases, including cancer.

Useful properties of the swamp

The plant parts used for the preparation of medicinal products (stem, leaves and rhizome) contain the following components:

The combination of the given ingredients determines such effects from the application of the saber:

Deco is also able to normalize metabolic processes (at the cellular level), improve metabolism, help the body adapt in adverse environmental conditions.

Treatment with sabelnik and contraindications to it

This plant is used in several dosage forms. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Spirituous tincture of decoP:

  1. Grind dry herbs of grass and pour 2 tablespoons of raw half-liter of quality vodka.
  2. The glass container with a solution should be placed in a dark place, soak for 20 days.
  3. Strain agent, pour into a clean jar.

This drug is effective in the therapy of leukemia, arthritis and arthrosis, malignant cancerous tumors, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis.

Contraindications to the tincture of the saber is not numerous - pregnancy, lactation, early childhood.

Ointment for joints:

  1. A normal hand cream (125 g) is mixed with a tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of pepper and saber tincture (according to the recipe above), 10 drops of vitamin E.
  2. Daily rub the resulting remedy into the aching joints, gently massaging the skin in circular motions.

Decoction decoction:

  1. Shredded stems and leaves of the sabelnik in dry form pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of raw material for 150 ml of water.
  2. Insist 2 hours, strain.
  3. Drink pure or dilute with warm water. You can use it instead of tea during the day.

This remedy is very useful, since it helps to purify the body during intoxication, significantly slows down the aging process, accelerates metabolism. In addition, this broth normalizes the lipid metabolism, suppresses the growth of tumoral neoplasms, improves blood circulation in the brain tissues, restores the endocrine system and thyroid gland, relieves spasms of blood vessels .

Contraindications to grass marshmallow

The only reason for taking medications from deco is impossible - the individual intolerance of the components of this plant.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of therapy the symptoms of the disease may worsen. This phenomenon is temporary, it will disappear as the treatment and accumulation of the effect.

Also, there has not been sufficient research into the effects of preparations from the cardiovascular system on the cardiovascular system. Therefore, experts do not recommend drinking such drugs for people suffering from fluctuations in blood pressure (both hypertension and hypotension), myocardial and cardiac muscle diseases, congenital malformation, angina and bradycardia.