Sporadic goiter

Usually an increase in the thyroid gland occurs against a background of a strong iodine deficiency in the body, an inadequate content of this element in food and the environment. An exception is sporadic goiter, which is diagnosed in people living outside endemic areas. In such cases, the proliferation of the tissues of the endocrine organ occurs due to factors not related to quantity, but to the absorption of iodine in the body.

Why there is a sporadic goiter of the thyroid gland?

The main causes of the pathology described:

Classification and symptoms of sporadic goiter

In accordance with the nature of the defeat of the endocrine organ, the following varieties of goiter are distinguished:

According to the structure of expanding tissues of the thyroid gland:

Depending on the functionality:

Also, there is a classification of pathology by the size of goiter (1-5 degree).

Characteristic signs of sporadic enlargement of the thyroid gland are noticeable only with a significant increase in endocrine tissues:

Therapy of the disease is necessary at 3-5 degrees. As a rule, it consists of taking triiodothyronine or thyroidin.