Leukemia - symptoms

Leukemia, blood cancer or anemia is a whole group of diseases. Clinical manifestations depend on the form that leukemia has taken - the symptoms vary according to the type of leukocytes affected by the disease. In addition, the signs of pathology are characterized by a process that is acute or chronic, as well as the duration of the course of the cancer.

The first signs of leukemia

As a rule, the initial stage of the disease is almost asymptomatic, especially if there is a chronic form.

A feature of the described disease is that there is no tumor in the body, as such. The development of cancer begins with a single cell of the bone marrow, which, by multiplying, gradually displaces the normal components of the blood pathological. The division can not be controlled, therefore it is difficult to track the progression of the disease, it can last for several months, as well as 2-3 weeks.

Early signs of leukemia in women:

As can be seen, the first symptoms of leukemia are similar to normal overwork, so blood cancer is rarely diagnosed in the early stages.

The fastest progression is the acute form of pathology, during which healthy cells are rapidly replaced by mutated or immature tumor formations.

Symptoms of acute leukemia

The main signs of the disease:

There may also be clinical manifestations associated with the accumulation of cancer cells in certain organs:

Symptoms of chronic leukemia

There are 2 varieties of this form of the disease - lymphocytic and myelocytic leukemia. They are characterized by such signs:

It is important to note that the classification of leukemia for acute and chronic form is relatively. None of them passes into another, the division is based on the progression of the disease, the rate of development of the symptomatology.

Symptoms of leukemia for blood tests

Diagnosis of pathology is possible, mainly due to laboratory studies of biological fluid on the quantitative and qualitative content of blood cells.

Thus, in acute and chronic lymphoblastic leukemia, there is a decrease in the number of lymphocytes, as well as a violation of their maturation. In the case of the melocytic type of cancer, the characteristics of the bone marrow cells that replace the platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes change.

Also during the analysis, the coagulability, density and viscosity of the blood, its density are examined.