Deep vein thrombophlebitis of lower extremities

With a tendency to high blood density and clotting, thrombophlebitis often occurs. This disease is easy to diagnose if it affects the surface vessels, but in the case of inflammation and the formation of blood clots in the deep veins to identify it is much more difficult.

Deep vein thrombophlebitis - causes

There is an erroneous opinion that the ailment in question is peculiar to people with professions in which the position of the body does not change for a long time. In fact, no exact reasons have been found, only the factors contributing to the development of the disease are known - damage and subsequent inflammation of the vessel wall, the formation of a blood clot alongside of it and disturbance of its current.

Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower limbs can also occur for the following reasons:

What is the danger of deep vein thrombophlebitis?

This disease during the course of the disease affects adjacent arteries, as well as the valves of the vessels. Without proper treatment, this leads to chronic venous insufficiency, and ultimately to the development of postthrombophlebitic syndrome. It is characterized by a very strong swelling of the extremities and a pronounced ulcerative process. This starts necrosis of the tissues, and there are trophic erosive formations on the skin that do not heal.

Acute thrombophlebitis of deep veins - symptoms

Quite often, the disease in question is not manifested in any way, and it is possible to detect its presence only by a slight swelling of the legs.

In other cases, the clinical picture is characterized by the appearance of strong, piercing pains in the affected limb and some change in the tone of the skin closer to the blue shade. In addition, over time, there is discomfort when moving the muscles of the legs, their pronounced puffiness.

Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower leg is not accompanied by obstruction of the blood vessels, therefore only symptoms are noted from the symptoms.

Very rarely this disease provokes venous gangrene, which, unfortunately, does not respond to therapy and requires immediate amputation of the limb.

Deep vein thrombophlebitis - treatment

The most effective method of therapy is an operation called thrombectomy. During surgery, the thrombus is completely removed from all surrounding clots, the integrity of the vein is restored and the blood flow is normalized. But surgical treatment is advisable to be carried out within the first 10-16 days after the onset of direct development or exacerbation of the disease. In the future, the thrombus is too tight against the venous wall and the vascular valves are destroyed. If thrombectomy is not relevant, conservative methods are used.

Here's how to treat thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower limbs medically:

  1. Introduce direct anticoagulants (drugs that dilute blood), for example, Heparin, and intravenously.
  2. Take additional medicines with a similar effect orally (Warfarin).
  3. To pass a course of physiotherapeutic procedures.

It should be noted that with the defeat of deep veins, compression linen should be used with great care. Its use can further complicate blood circulation and provoke the formation of blood clots in neighboring vessels, enhance swelling.

Also, it is not recommended to be treated with local medications, especially from traditional medicine recipes, since no ointment can reach the localization of the inflammatory process.