Iridocyclitis - symptoms

The vascular envelope of the human eye consists of the iris and the ciliary (ciliary) body. Inflammatory processes in these zones are called irit and cyclite, respectively, and these diseases are rarely found due to the common blood supply network and very close to each other. A disease that combines the signs of these pathologies and the main symptoms is iridocyclitis. Most often, this ailment affects people aged 20 to 40 years, has a chronic course.

Iridocyclitis - Causes

It is not always possible to establish the factors that triggered the development of the disease. The most common reasons are:

In addition, iridocyclitis and the symptoms accompanying it, may occur against the background of inflammation of other parts of the eye or after surgical operations.

Types of iridocyclitis

By the nature of the clinical course of the disease distinguish:

Depending on the reason:

Given the nature of the inflammation, there is hemorrhagic, fibrinous-plastic, exudative and acute serous iridocyclitis.

In some diseases, especially with rheumatism and arthritis, a combination of different types of the disease under consideration is possible.

Symptoms of Iridocyclitis

Among the primary signs, there is an increased sensitivity to bright light, and sometimes photophobia develops. In addition, the patient complains of constant pain in the head and eyes, spreading along the trigeminal nerve. Among the external symptoms, the redness of the proteins is observed, the color of the iris changes to brick or rusty with a greenish tinge. Over time, the pupil's image is blurred, his reaction to the change in lighting is deteriorating (mainly in the constricted state), vision falls.

Iridocyclitis - complications

In 20% of cases of this disease, there can be significant consequences: