White spot on the nail

As you know, the state of nails is one of the indicators of the health of the body as a whole, so changing their color, structure is alarming. Today we will consider such a problem as a white spot on the nail, which is officially called leikonihia.

On the nails appeared white spots - possible causes

The nail plate is not an integral formation, it is the layering of several levels of keratinized cells. If pathological deviations occur during the keratinization, air bubbles appear between the layers, which look like white patches under the fingernails or on them.


  1. Mechanical damage to the plate. It can be a depression or a punch, a pincer.
  2. Fungal diseases. In addition to the appearance of a white spot on the nail, there is a noticeable thickening of the plates, their deformation and destruction.
  3. Lack of protein in the body. This factor usually occurs if a person has anorexia or is poorly fed.
  4. Chemical damage to the nail. Often, various means for manicure and hand care contain harmful chemicals that damage the structure of cells.

In addition, one of the common reasons why there are white spots under the nails is the lack of vitamins or trace elements. The defining factors in this case can be both diet and seasonal lack of essential substances and elements in food, especially in the spring.

White spots on the nails - treatment

If the leukonichia manifested itself against the background of mechanical damage to the nail plates, special therapy is not required. You just have to wait until the nail grows.

Treatment of fungal diseases should be carried out by a dermatologist. He will prescribe medicines for oral administration and local remedies for the gradual removal of the upper layers of keratinized cells, along with which eventually disappear and a white spot under the fingernail.

Pathology, which is due to adverse chemical effects, requires a change of cosmetics for hands and nails, as well as the subsequent restoration of their health through natural creams and masks.

The lack of vitamins, proteins and microelements should be treated with a full-fledged diet with the necessary amount of fats and carbohydrates, take care of the increased calcium content in the diet . Additionally, you can take special biologically active supplements .