Absence of toxicosis in pregnancy

Today, a lot is said about toxicosis during pregnancy. Early morning ailments have already become an integral part of the "interesting situation". Now if the expectant mother is not disturbed by nausea and vomiting in the first trimester, she is already worried: is everything ok with the baby? Let's understand, whether there is a pregnancy without a toxicosis and whether it is normal.

Is there always a toxicosis?

Early toxicosis can begin already from the first days of delay, monthly, and maybe in a month. The duration of toxicosis is also different: someone worries about only a couple of weeks, and someone is suffering for several months. Some lucky people, he generally bypasses. That's where the doubts and worries begin: whether everything is right with me, whether the baby is healthy, etc.

Absence of toxicosis

Just want to reassure expectant mothers: the absence of toxicosis in pregnancy - the norm. First, it's possible that your time has not come yet. If you have only 6 weeks of pregnancy and there is no toxicosis, then this is no reason to worry - morning sickness can "please" you and for a period of 10 weeks.

If the first trimester is nearing the end, and there are no signs of toxicity during pregnancy, you may just be a happy mother and your body quickly adapted to new tasks. The fact is that scientific medicine considers toxicosis as a kind of immune response of the mother's organism to the appearance in it of a foreign body - an embryo. In addition, the fetus produces hCG, or chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that helps it to settle down in the uterus and "tell" the woman about its existence. Elevated levels of hCG can trigger toxicosis.

When is time to worry?

Toxicosis always begins and ends suddenly. However, there are situations when the sudden disappearance of morning sickness can mean serious violations in the body of a future mother or pathology of fetal development. However, in this case the manifestations of toxicosis disappear together with other signs of pregnancy: engorgement of the mammary glands, drowsiness, fast fatigue. In addition, you may experience pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If you have a toxicosis, but there are no more alarming signals, do not worry - your pregnancy is proceeding normally. In extreme cases, you can ask your supervising physician to give you an ultrasound in order to determine the heartbeat of the fetus.