Grapes for breastfeeding

During active lactation, moms are forced to follow a certain kind of diet. This is due to the fact that individual components of the products penetrate into breast milk and can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. That is why often young mothers are wondering whether it is possible to breastfeeding white (black) grapes, and if not, why not. Let's try to understand this situation, explaining in detail about the berry, its useful properties, the rules of use.

What is useful for grapes?

Even in ancient times, grapes were actively used as a source of substances useful for the body and an excellent restorer of vitality.

If you specifically say what it can be useful, then first of all you need to look at its composition. So, the grapes contain:

There are a lot of vitamins in it, among them A, B, E, R, K and, of course, ascorbic acid.

Containing folic acid enhances the processes of hematopoiesis, vitamin K - takes a direct part in the regulation of the blood coagulation system. Vitamin P is able to normalize blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Is grapes allowed during breastfeeding?

When answering this kind of question, doctors first of all draw attention of the mother herself to the age of her crumbs. If the baby is not yet 3 months, then from the use of grapes must be discarded. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing an allergic reaction.

To start slowly is this berry can be when the child turns 4 months old. In this case, for the first time enough to drink juice of several berries, after breakfast, and observe throughout the day for the reaction of a tiny organism. In those cases when redness, rashes, acne is absent, the mother can gradually increase the portion of the grapes.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the quantity. So, doctors do not recommend eating 100 g per day (200 g per week). Given this fact, eating grapes more than 2 times in 7 days is strictly not recommended.

As for the color of berries, then the mother is free to choose herself, which she likes: white, green, black.

What should be considered when using grapes during lactation?

By itself, the berry can bring a lot of benefit to the body, which only recovers after childbirth. So, grapes, - an excellent remedy for anemia, insomnia, disorders of stool (constipation).

However, it is worth remembering that under certain conditions it can cause harm.

So, in no case should not eat grapes along with milk, wash down with kvass, mineral water, add to meat dishes. This may lead to an intensification of fermentation processes, which will inevitably cause digestive upset.

Special attention should be given to the choice of grapes. Ideal option - it's own, grown in the suburban area. In such cases, the mother will save herself from the opportunity to buy a berry, processed with chemicals. Do not buy them out of season, because almost always such grapes are processed with means for better storage.

Before eating green grapes with active breastfeeding, a woman should ask the doctor if she can do it. The thing is that not everyone is allowed in principle. Contraindications for its use may include: