Treatment of insomnia with folk remedies

Insomnia is a very modern ailment - most people engaged in mental work, with the onset of night can not close their eyes and the next morning feel overwhelmed. Fortunately, insomnia allows treatment at home. About how to help yourself to sleep and will be discussed below.

Treatment of insomnia with herbs

In general, the methods of treating insomnia are diverse. Traditional medicine offers sedatives, but there are many natural products of plant origin that can improve sleep:

  1. Melisa. Tea from this fragrant herb perfectly calms. A glass of boiling water takes 2 tablespoons of dried or fresh raw materials. Tea is insisted for 20 minutes, taken with honey. Contraindications - hypotension.
  2. Hop. Shredded cones of the plant (1 spoonful) pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 15 - 25 minutes. Half a glass is drunk for lunch, the rest is just before bedtime. Such treatment helps, even if insomnia is chronic.
  3. Herbal collection. Wormwood , hops, mint and thyme in equal parts in dried form are mixed, sewed in a small pillow (10 x 10 cm), which is placed on the headboard. The aroma of medicinal herbs helps to fall asleep.

What to drink at night?

Of course, refreshing drinks are counter-indicative before a dream. The best treatment for insomnia with folk remedies is the reception of warm milk at night. In a tandem with honey and a spoonful of butter, this product works wonders, literally, instantly putting to sleep.

A good effect is given by a drink prepared as follows:

  1. Flesh the banana mixed with chopped hazelnuts (0.5 tablespoons) and sprouted wheat grains (1 spoonful).
  2. The ingredients are mixed with warmed milk (150 ml).
  3. The finished product is drunk in small sips for an hour before bedtime.

General rules

Applying traditional methods of treating insomnia, it is worth remembering the general rules:

  1. The bedroom should be dark and well ventilated.
  2. The mattress should be comfortable, and the pillow - small.
  3. Immediately before going to bed you can not read, watch TV, read news in social networks.

If you can not cope with insomnia yourself, you need to see a doctor.