Lymphostasis of the lower limbs - symptoms

Lymphostasis is a disease of the lymphatic system, in which there is a violation of outflow and lymphatic retention in the tissues of the body. Progressive lymphostasis of the lower limbs leads to the development of elephantiasis - monstrous leg edema that causes severe physical and psychological suffering of the patient. In connection with the threat of disability, the tasks of prevention and timely detection of signs of lymphostasis of the lower extremities at the initial stages of the development of the disease are very significant.

Causes of lower limb lymphostasis

Distinguish primary lymphostasis, which is associated with congenital pathologies or disorders of the lymphatic system, and secondary lymphostasis of the lower extremities. A lot of factors that determine the development of lymphostasis of the legs are determined, including the failure of lymph circulation is caused by:

Often, lymphostasis of the lower extremities develops in cancer of the pelvic organs as a result of postoperative infection and after radiation therapy.

Symptoms of lymphostasis of lower extremities

There are three stages of development of lymphostasis:

  1. For the first or easy stage, minor swelling, which is worse by evening, is characteristic. Ocular effects are caused by intense physical exertion, as well as a prolonged static position.
  2. The second (middle) stage is characterized by stable edema, proliferation of connective tissue, tightening and stretching of the skin. In addition, the patient feels a constant annoying pain. Possible convulsive manifestations.
  3. The fact that the violation of lymph flow becomes irreversible, evidences the appearance of elephantiasis - thickening of limbs and changes shape, proportions of legs. With the third form of the disease, trophic ulcers, eczema, erysipelas, osteoarthrosis are noted. Patients complain of severe pain and not passing a sense of heaviness in the affected leg. With chronic lymphostasis of the lower limbs, sepsis often develops, which can lead to death. Another danger is that the chronic course of the disease can cause an oncological disease - a lymphosarcoma, visually determined by bluish spots. Gradually, the education becomes painful. The outcome of the disease is unfavorable - the patient rarely lives more than 1 year.