Fruitless egg without embryo

Such a misfortune, though rare, happens. According to statistics, this happens with every fifteenth woman. Having seen the long-awaited two stripes on the test, the woman experiences joy, but soon gets severely disappointed, because on ultrasound the doctor discovers a fetal egg without an embryo. The diagnosis in this case sounds like an anembrional pregnancy.

An undeveloped pregnancy of the type of anembrionia is a type of frozen pregnancy. This syndrome is also called empty fetal egg syndrome. That is, pregnancy has come, fetal membranes are formed, and the embryo is absent. At the same time, all the external signs of pregnancy remain - absence of menstruation, increased chest, fatigue, hCG level during anembrion continues to grow.

The diagnosis is based on the ultrasound of the embryo. It is necessary to do the research not earlier than 6-7 weeks, because at earlier times this study is not indicative, the embryo is not visualized, and the doctor simply can not see its presence or absence. An erroneous diagnosis in the early stages may be due to the fact that the fetus is located at the wall itself and can not be seen, or the fetus has a short amniotic leg.

Sometimes diagnostic errors occur if the gestational age is set inaccurately. That is, at the time of the examination, the embryo may be so small that the ultrasound sensors will not be able to detect its presence. Be that as it may, after hearing such a diagnosis, do not panic - insist on conducting an additional check with a certain interval.

If you are diagnosed with anembrional pregnancy, you need to undergo additional research with another specialist at intervals of 5-7 days. And only after confirming the sad phenomenon go to the termination of pregnancy (in the common people - cleaning).

Anembrional pregnancy is eliminated by scraping the uterus (curettage) under general anesthesia. After the operation, a second examination of the uterine cavity is performed. Sometimes a doctor can prescribe special hormonal medications to improve a woman's health.

Causes of pregnancy without an embryo

When asked why there is no embryo implantation? - doctors can not give an exact answer. The most likely causes of the development of an egg without an embryo are genetic disorders, infectious diseases, hormonal background.

The cause of anembryonia can be:

To learn more about the factors that affected pregnancy, it is possible by means of carrying out histological examinations in the operation materials. To avoid the repeat of anembrional pregnancy, both partners must pass tests for infection, undergo karyotype research (genetic studies), and hand over material for the spermogram.

Sometimes a similar pregnancy develops in completely healthy parents. In this case, the prognosis of future pregnancies is very positive, that is, with a high probability of repeat pregnancy without an embryo, you are not threatened. You just need to give the body a little rest from the stress (about six months), gain strength and again try to become pregnant.