How to call Ben the drowned man?

The story of Ben Drowned is very popular among fans of scary stories on the Internet. According to the story, the guy was very fond of the game "The legend of Zelda: Majora's mask" and always dreamed of becoming her hero. His enemies drowned him in the river. Dying, Ben promised that he would avenge all the offenders. Since then, people have reported that playing "Zelda", they received strange messages. Many people, thinking about how Ben Drowned man looks, conducted various rituals to get in touch with him. Some sources report that they managed to find such ways.

Before calling Ben Drowned at home, it is worth considering that because it is a virus, it can easily get into other electronic devices. Any repair or reflashing will not help get rid of it, you will only have to throw out the thing.

How to call Ben Drowned?

If there is no fear that the virus will destroy the computer, then you can try to call it. To do this, you need the game "The legend of Zelda: Majora's mask", best of all if it is pirated. From the Internet download the song of healing on the contrary. In addition, prepare a container of water, a sheet of paper, as well as pencils or pens of red, green or blue.

Turn on the game and write on the sheet of paper such words:

Next, place a container of water and turn on the downloaded music. After that you can start the game. About what happened to call Ben Drowned, will show interference, because he is a virus. You can also see the face of the seller of masks on the screen. If the water in the tank is covered with waves or bubbles appear on it, then you can be sure that Ben has come. The fact that the ritual is finished will be borne out by the appearing inscription on the screen: "You sholdn't have done that!". To Ben did not get into our world, a sheet of inscriptions on the screen of a computer or TV. If there is a desire, on the contrary, to release it, then the sheet should be burned.

How to call and talk with Ben Drowned?

For this ritual, you also need to have a game of "The legend of Zelda: Majora's mask" , a container of water and 4 sheets of paper. On paper, write in green: "How did you die?" (In translation, this means - How did you die?), By the word on each sheet. Turn on the game, put a container of water in front of the monitor and glue the sheets to the computer with adhesive tape. Then stand in front of the monitor and say such words: "Answer my question". (Answer: answer my question). If Ben got in touch, that soon the sheets would begin to get unstuck and the water move. The color of written phrases can also change. As a result, the screen should show the inscription "I drowned". After that, you will notice how the computer's performance has worsened, and in some cases it will break.

In the network, you can find stories confirming that the call of Ben Drowned ended in a serious tragedy and even death. Separate attention should be paid to the story of one guy who decided to play an old game. His feelings and observations, he wrote in a virtual diary. Already at the beginning of the game, the guy was surprised at the absence of other characters and after a while he began to receive messages that were of menacing nature, signed by some kind of Ben. Every day the messages became more terrible and bloody. The guy began to spread these texts on the network, so that there was real confirmation of what was happening. At this time, he also began to write that there was a sense of approaching death. The last message from Ben Drownler to this guy was asking him to release him to freedom. More anonymous hero did not appear on the network, and no one else heard of him.