Notoedrosis in cats

Sometimes with home pets unpleasant stories happen, and we can observe how our always quiet kitty suddenly began to itch. If you do not pay attention to what is happening, then the cat's troubles can be thrown at us. The reason for such strange and incomprehensible behavior can be mite noctoedrosis. If our cat has contact not only with us, but sometimes walks in the yard or hunts, she can accidentally get infected with this mite. Carriers of notedroz are homeless cats, dogs and rabbits, as well as rats and mice, which cat loves to catch.

Symptoms of notethroid in cats

Itching in cats from noctoedrosis usually intensifies in the evening. The skin is most affected in the area of ​​the head, ears, cheeks, forehead, as well as the upper third of the neck. The cat suffers, it becomes weak and has an unhappy appearance. In places scratching first appear reddish spots, which turn into pustules. Over time, the pustules wither and slings and crusts form in their place. These formations disappear, and with them the animal's fur. In an untreated cat, the mite, gnawing through the deep layers of the skin, spreads throughout the body, and the wounds from scratching become the gateway to other infections. In neglected cases, the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the animal suffer. If we caress and iron the cat, the parasite can pass to us, causing pseudotypes. Our happiness is that the noctroids on the human skin do not multiply and the itching disappears along with the recovery of our pet.

Treatment of noctroids in cats

The final diagnosis can only be made in the clinic. The material that is scraped off is microscopic, and if a mite or its eggs are found, the disease is treated. The cat must be isolated. For treatment, use various acaricides, which lubricate the skin of a cat after it is bathed using zooshampun or soap. If after the bathing peel remains, they remove it with tweezers, and the wool in the places where the mite parasitizes is cut. In no case do not treat notothroids of cats themselves. Be sure to consult a doctor!