Than to treat a dysbacteriosis in gynecology?

Normally, the prevailing microflora of the vagina of a healthy woman is bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Less often in a smear from a vagina find out coccal flora, anaerobic bacteria. In inflammatory diseases, not only does the normal ratio of the flora typical for the vagina disrupt, but also pathogenic bacteria or fungi appear - vaginal dysbiosis arises.

Dysbacteriosis in gynecology: treatment and drugs

To restore normal vaginal microflora, not only those drugs that kill pathogenic microflora are used, but those that restore it.

If the smear shows pathogenic microorganisms that caused dysbacteriosis, then modern gynecology starts treatment with taking drugs to destroy them. In bacterial infection, antibiotics of cephalosporins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, and fungal infections, triazole derivatives, methylnaphthalene are prescribed.

Assign not only general treatment with these drugs for 5-10 days, but also local treatment with these drugs in the form of candles, ointments and creams. Several groups of drugs can be combined in candles, for example, in the suppositories of Polizhinaks , antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin are contained, and the antifungal drug nystatin, which helps to capture a wider range of pathogenic microflora and ensure greater efficacy of treatment.

In gynecology, other drugs are used to cure dysbacteriosis, a group of drugs containing lactic acid bacteria. These include Lactobacterin and Bifidumbacterin - ampoules, which contain these bacteria for intravaginal treatment in the form of tampons with a solution. The course of treatment is used from 3 to 6 doses per day for 6-10 days - until the symptoms of inflammation disappear into the vagina.